Раздел |
5. История литературного процесса |
Страницы | 143-152 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 821.161.1 |
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П.В. Анненков – критик И.А. Гончарова[ENG]
P.V. Annenkov as I.A. Goncharov's critic |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
В статье впервые исследуется восприятие П. В. Анненковым-критиком творчества И. А. Гончарова: начиная с новеллы «Иван Савич Поджабрин» и кончая романом «Обрыв». Прослеживается эволюция взглядов Анненкова на творчество Гончарова.
The paper first examines the perception of Ivan Goncharov's works by his critic P.V. Annenkov, starting with the short story "Ivan Savich Podzhabrin" and ending with the novel "The Precipice". The research traces the evolution of views of Annenkov on the novels and stories of Goncharov. Annenkov somehow made his point of view of such Goncharov's works as "Ivan Savich Podzhabrin", "A Common Story", "Oblomov", and, finally, "The Precipice". All of his statements and comments have not, unfortunately, systematic character. The critic has just published his disapproval of "Ivan Savich Podzhabrin", his only printed and negative review on Goncharov, although in the end, overcoming the burden of subjective assessments, raised Goncharov's last novel "The Precipice" in the "acme" and placed it next to Tolstoy's "War and Peace". Annenkov very highly appreciated the novel "The Precipice". Obviously, Annenkov could see that Goncharov wrote a novel, not three separate things, but unified trilogy, religious and philosophical epic of Russian life. Observing that the novel "The Precipice" was ostracized in the pages of democratic magazines, Annenkov, significantly moved "right" this time, comes from political motives, overcomes his already determined perception of Goncharov's works and writes a laudatory article about the "The Precipice".
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