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Статья «Элементы мифологической картины мира в произведениях Л. Улицкой»

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3. Теория и история литературы
Страницы 92-107
Тип [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды [УДК] 82-3
Элементы мифологической картины мира в произведениях Л. Улицкой
Elements of mythological picture of the world in the works of Ludmila Ulitskaya
Мария Васильевна
Ставропольская государственная медицинская академия
Mariya Vasil'evna
Stavropol State Medical Academy
Статья посвящена мифологизму хронотопа, образов, сюжетной канвы в произведениях Л. Улицкой. На основании исследования признаков анимизма, антропоморфизма, символических деталей, хронотопа в романах писательницы автор приходит к выводу о немаловажной роли мифологического начала в прозе Л. Улицкой.
The article is devoted to the mythologism of chronotope, images and plot outline in the works of L. Ulitskaya. The object of this study is her works, and the subject is myths, symbols and totemic images in her texts. Basing on research evidence of animism and anthropomorphism signs, symbolic details and chronotope in the novels of the writer, the author comes to the conclusion that the role of mythology has significant importance in prose of Ludmila Ulitskaya. Mythology of Ulitskaya declares understanding of the universe as an arena of endless fight of Chaos and Cosmos, where, along with the image of the initial time there is a mythical image of the end-time destruction of the world, which will then be cyclically reborn or not. In the tissue of mythological consciousness, fastening elements of the mythological world picture in the works of L.Ulitskaya, in addition to the archetypal and symbolic elements, generating images, the xxplorer can scan the texts for the characters, the specificity and function of which can be explained by the term "animism". A special part in the organization of space in the works of L. Ulitskaya is taken by the image of a house: it is a semantic and spatial-energy center, around which other myths and images are grouped.
Следуя концепции Е.М. Мелетинского...
Ключевые слова
картина мира
художественное время
picture of the world
the trickster
artistic time
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