Раздел |
3. Проблемы художественного перевода |
Страницы | 102-126 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 82-131 |
Заглавие |
Переводы «Одиссеи» А. Попом и В. Жуковским: стилистико-смысловая трансформация эпического текста как способ адаптации к эстетике Нового времени[ENG]
Translations of the "Odyssey" by A. Pope and V. Zhukovskii: stylistic-semantic transformation of the epic text as a way to adapt to the modern aesthetics |
Авторы |
СердечнаяВера ВладимировнаООО «Аналитика Родис»
Кандидат филологических наук
SerdechnayaVera Vladimirovna"Analitika Rodis" publishing
PhD (Philology)
Аннотация |
Статья посвящена вопросам переводческой трансформации текста «Одиссеи» Гомера в ключевых для русской и английской культур переводах В. Жуковского и А. Попа. Рассмотрев вкратце историю освоения сюжета «Одиссеи» в европейской культуре, автор останавливается на стилистико-смысловых трансформациях текста в переводе В. Жуковского (архаизация, сказочность) и в переводе А. Попа (романтизация, «поэтизация» исходного текста). Переводы Гомера, таким образом, являют собой не столько воссоздания оригинала на новоевропейском языке, сколько новые произведения искусства, следующие в стилистике традициям своей эпохи.
The subject of article is a comparative study of the effect of translation transformation on the image of the ancient epic, taking as an example the translation of "Odyssey" of Homer into Russian by V.A. Zhukovskii and in English by A. Pope. The purpose of the article is to identify the impact of style on the style of the time of translation, as well as the possible impact on the further transfer of readability in the linguistic consciousness. The research methodology was based on the methods of translation studies, comparative and historical literary criticism. The study can be used in courses on the history of literature and intercultural communication. The author concludes that the studied transfers of the "Odyssey" of Homer are highly influential representations of ancient culture in English and Russian traditions, impacting on the further understanding of the image of Odysseus, in particular, within each culture. Zhukovskii's translation maintains a manner of romantic poems of early Russian romanticism and is written in a "fabulous" and archaic language, with the imitation of the hexameter verse in Russian. Pope made his translation in a "heroic couplet" – rhymed iambic pentameter, the style of language and imagery that should clearly translate the classic pattern. Thus, we can say that Russian tradition, influenced by the translation of Zhukovskii, formed fabulously patriarchal image of Odysseus, which has parallels in both characters romantic poems and tales of heroes. In English traditions, however, under the influence of translation of Pope, Odysseus is "high" classic hero, far from a fairy-tale hero, and from the majestic simplicity of the epic of Homer.
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А. Поп
переводческая трансформация
Homer's "Odyssey"
A. Pope
V. Zhukovskii
translation studies
transformation of translation
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