Раздел |
2. Культурные процессы и культурные институты |
Страницы | 48-63 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 304.4 |
Заглавие |
«Наследие» как группа институций[ENG]
"Heritage" as a functional group of tourism |
Авторы |
СиченкоНаталия СтепановнаРоссийский государственный педагогический университет
SichenkoNatalia StepanovnaState Pedagogical University of Russia
Postgraduate student
Аннотация |
Статья посвящена концептуальному подходу к рассмотрению потенциала туризма как особого вида деятельности, которому присущи соответствующие формы организации- институциональные формы, объединенные в функциональные группы. Особое внимание в статье уделено такой группе, как «наследие», выполняющее функции накопления и сохранения, трансляции культурного и природного наследия другим поколениям.
The paper deals with the thorough analysis of the existing points of view on the potential of tourism as a special kind of activity, which has such suitable forms of organization as institution forms. They united in functional groups. We pay special attention to the group that we call "heritage", which has such functions as accumulation, preservation and transmission of cultural and natural heritage to next generations. The research methodology of the article is based on the methods of system synergetic and structural functional studies of open (closed) systems. According to the essence of method of structural functional study it gives us an opportunity to visualize the institution forms which are the part of such system as tourism and opens peculiarities of functioning of them within the system. The study can be used in courses on the theory of tourism and culture of regions, for the creation of the optional courses in the system of general and professional education. The study materials also can be used for the development of tourist routes and creation of projects of the tourist's destinations. The author concludes that the studied institution forms and objects of tourism don't simply enter in a single structural-functional subsystem of tourism, but in many respects determine the existence of the tourism and tourist activity in the region.
Текст |
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Ключевые слова |
культурное наследие
Cultural heritage
Ссылки |
Файлы | 5-sichenko.pdf |
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