Раздел |
4. Культурные процессы и культурные институты |
Страницы | 140-148 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 304.2: 004 |
Заглавие |
Сенсорные киоски для библиотечных выставок[ENG]
Sensor stands for library exhibitions |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
Научная новизна статьи состоит в том, что обобщён материал о сенсорных информационных киосках, даны основные ориентиры для развития и разработок современных концепций выставочной экспозиции. В статье впервые используется новый научный термин- универсальная мультимедийная библиотечно-музейная выставка. Даётся определение, в которое вложен опыт построения выставочных проектов (в широком смысле) прошлого и новых информационно-мультимедийных технологий. Центральная тема- сенсорные информационные киоски в пространстве библиотечной выставки. Главный постулат- применение киосков и других мультимедийных технологий с равным успехом можно применять не только в библиотеке, но и в музее, поэтому в самом начале и заявлен термин универсальной мультимедийной выставки. Выделено шесть подзаголовков, в которых рассматриваются вопросы необходимости использования сенсорных информационных киосков в выставках, принципы работы, преимущества внедрения и за счёт чего можно улучшить качество образовательного процесса (познания нового).
A modern exhibition is an expensive project, not only with worked out scientific element and well defined technical input but also with fresh approaches to in the sphere of marketing and advertising. The exhibition is a complex organization and if it is poorly worked out there will be collapse, and on the contrary in case of a careful piece of work it can lead not only to saturation and satisfaction of audience demands for knowledge, but also can realize some material income. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that it generalizes materials concerning sensor information stands and presents the base points for evolution and development of modern concepts of display at an exhibition. For the first time the article operates a new scientific term- universal multimedia library-museum exhibition. The article also gives a definition which includes the experience of composition of exhibition projects (in a general sense) в широком смысле) of the past and new informative multimedia technologies. The central subject is touch-sensitive information stands (terminals) in a library exhibition. The main postulate is that the stands and other multimedia technologies can be used not only in libraries but in museums as well. That is why the term "universal multimedia exhibition" was declared at the very beginning. Six subtitles were singled out where the problems of necessity for sensory information stands (terminals) at exhibitions are considered as well as their functioning principles, the implementation advantages and in what way the quality of educational process can be improved. Due to the changes in scientific knowledge it has been found that in order to realize the communicative function of any exhibition new sources should be engaged, modes of their operation need to be changed. For the purpose of effective functioning of the communication process the expositioner should know not only the funds, but also he/she should be able to correlate the source features with the information they process. The complex operations concerning extraction and transfer of information can be successful to the extent that they rest upon interests, values and ideals of the audience. It can be achieved by applying technological innovations, and touch-sensitive information stands (terminals) in particular. The material may be of use for students of culture and arts, workers in the sphere of culture and education, in preparation for learning sessions or when working out exhibition projects.
Текст |
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Ключевые слова |
Сенсорный информационный киоск
библиотека (музей) выставка имидж универсальная мультимедийная библиотечно-музейная выставка техническая новация информационные ресурсы [ENG]
Touch-sensitive information stands (terminals)
library (museum) exhibition выставка image multimedia library-museum exhibition technological innovation information resources |
Ссылки |
Файлы | 9-kovalenko.pdf |
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