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Статья «Истоки эстетического образования в Восточной Сибири» / Article "The origins of aesthetic education in Eastern Siberia"

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Архивные данные статьи Ляпкиной Т.Ф. / Archival data of the article written by Lyapkina T.F.

Выходные данные научной статьи / Article output data

Раздел / Sectional title
Культурные процессы
Cultural processes
Страницы / Pages 18-32
Тип / Type [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды / Numbers [УДК] 371
Заглавие / Title
Истоки эстетического образования в Восточной Сибири
The origins of aesthetic education in Eastern Siberia
Авторы / Authors
Татьяна Федоровна
Доктор культурологии, профессор кафедры теории и истории культуры,
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет культуры и искусств
Tat'yana Fedorovna
Full Doctor of Cultural Studies, professor of the department of history and culture,
St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts
Аннотация / Abstract
В статье рассматривается история формирования системы образовательных учреждений Восточно-Сибирского региона, раскрывается роль и значение этих учреждений в эстетическом и музыкальном воспитании. Формированию эстетического вкуса способствовали такие дисциплины, как музыка и пение, церковное пение, рисование. На протяжении всего XIX века в Восточной Сибири сформировалась региональная традиция музыкального воспитания, являющаяся значительным элементом в формировании музыкальной культуры региона.
Russia has a streamlined system of public education in the XIX century, which was divided into four stages: 1) parish schools, 2) district schools, 3) high schools and 4) universities. The main subject in parish schools both religious and secular education was the law of God, which was taught as a rule by the priest. The law of God consisted of two elements, the first of which is for the most practical of religious and educational character, its purpose is bringing godly skill, and the second element is a theoretical study of the law of God, the purpose of which is the acquisition of religious knowledge. The practical part of the subject includes the study of morning, evening and holidays prayers which were read or sung. If the schedule was not the subject of a special "church singing" in a parish school, it was taught in the course of "the law of God" by the priest of the parish. A primary goal was to get acquainted with the church singing and to introduce to choral singing during the service in the church. Through the efforts of the church and the newly baptized Orthodox missions the Orthodox spiritual books were sung.
Local Siberian intelligent people also sought to revive the local music and social life. At the seminary, except choirs, were bands of music that played not only the spiritual and secular pieces, overtures, marches, Polish ecosezes, waltzes, minuets and Russian songs. Siberian seminarians were not an exception, and could play various instruments. Gradually, students of theological schools introduced to secular music and sacred concerts have become more accessible to a wide audience.
Текст / Text
Введение В последнее время в разных областях науки можно...
Ключевые слова / Keywords
Реформа образования
система народного образования
эстетическое воспитание
церковное пение
музыкальная культура
Education reform
the system of public education
aesthetic education
church singing
musical culture
Ссылки / References
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  10. Russian National Library, File No. 585, List No. 1, P. 140.
  11. Russian State Historical Archive, File No. 730, List No. 2, Rule No. 480, Page No. 39-41.
  12. Russian State Historical Archive, File No. 732, List No. 1, Rule No. 163.
  13. Russian State Historical Archive, File No. 843, List No. 1, Rule No. 985, Page No. 2.
  14. State Archive of the Irkutsk region, File No. 156, List No. 1, Rule No. 1, Page No. 1.
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  17. The memorial book of the Irkutsk region in 1861 [Pamyatnaya knizhka Irkutskoi gubernii na 1861 god], MVD, Irkutsk, 1861, 191 p.
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Файлы / Files 2-lyapkina.pdf

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