Страницы | 21-27 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 34-56 |
Заглавие |
Организация стратегического контроля в корпоративных объединениях[ENG]
The organizationof the strategic controlof corporate associations |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
В статье рассмотрены условия, принципы, факторы, определяющие организацию и реализацию функции стратегического контроля в корпоративных объединениях в соответствии с особенностями, присущими объединениям нефтяного бизнеса, а также в соответствии с основными принципами функционирования сложных систем.
The subject of the study, as outlined in the article, is a systematic approach to the organization of strategic control in the specific conditions of operation of corporate associations. The main purpose of the research is a selection of organizational tools that can actualize a systematic approach to implementation strategic control in these associations. The methodology of the research, associated with the selection and the use of tools in the implementation of systematic approach, based on a combination of elements and connections between them, represented by the set of data elements. The implementation of this method makes it possible to construct a system of strategic control in accordance with the basic postulates of the theory of systems, to determine the subsystems of the strategic control and information connections between them. The proposed approach is focused on the possibility of using an automated system for collecting, processing of accounting information and the organization of strategic control in accordance with international accounting standards. In general, the proposed method makes it possible for the management of corporate association not only to control over the implementation of the strategy, but also to ensure the correctness of the chosen strategy and the possibility of its transformation. The proposed method of using systems theory tools is possible for an appliance in any industry and at every extent of corporate association.
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Ключевые слова |
Стратегический контроль
корпоративное объединение [ENG]
Strategic control
body corporate |
Ссылки |
Файлы | 2-aleksandrov.pdf |
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