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Статья «Легитимация органа управления хозяйственного общества в гражданском праве»

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2. Гражданское право и процесс: проблемы и дискуссии
Страницы 61-74
Тип [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды [УДК] 347.191.4
Легитимация органа управления хозяйственного общества в гражданском праве
The legitimization of regulatory body of economic society in civil law
Татьяна Владимировна
Оренбургский государственный университет
Кандидат юридических наук, доцент
Tat'yana Vladimirovna
Orenburg State University
PhD (Law), Associate Professor
В работе на основе анализа и обобщения положений законодательства, материалов судебной практики выявлены основные проблемы легитимации органа управления хозяйственного общества. С учётом последних тенденций в реформировании российского гражданского законодательства дана оценка современному правовому регулированию частноправовых отношений и влияния публично-правового регулирования на корпоративные отношения. Сформулированы предложения по устранению ряда противоречий, возникающих на стыке частноправового и публично-правового регулирования, негативно влияющих на возможность легитимации в гражданском праве.
In the article elicited basic problems of legitimation of regulatory body of economic society on the basis of analysis and generalization of legislation and judicial practice materials. One problem is the situation in which the legally elected regulatory body is unable to assume its functions, despite the fact that regulatory bodies elected by the general meeting of members are legitimate since taking such decision and do not require any additional registrations and confirmations. In this case, the problem of execution of decision of meeting and agreeably the legitimacy of regulatory bodies is the lack of mechanisms to enforce such decisions. It is also raised the problem of confirming the legitimacy of the executive body vis-a-vis society counterparties. For these objectives the executive body provides counterparties, as a rule, with the protocol of general meeting of members to elect the executive body, the charter and an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. However as shown on the court, neither example of corporate acts nor extracts from the register cannot guarantee the legitimacy of the executive body for third parties. The author pointed out the root causes of these problems. One of them connected with the fact that in legislation and in court practice there is no developed unified approach with respect to the prevalence of the principle of stability of civil turnover or the principle of corporate relations security. Concerning recent developments in the reform of the Russian civil law the paper describes the contemporary legal regulation of private relationships and the influence of public law regulation on corporate relations. The proposals to clear a number of contradictions arising at the intersection of private and public regulation affecting the possibility of legitimizing in civil law.
Проблема легитимации в гражданском…
Ключевые слова
гражданское право
корпоративное право
решения общих собраний участников хозяйственного общества
решения совета директоров
исполнительный орган
регистрация сведений в государственном реестре
civil law
corporate law
decisions of the regulatory body
the decisions of the board of directors
chief executive officer
the registration in the public registry
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