Раздел |
1. Актуальные проблемы теории и истории государства и права |
Страницы | 37-45 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 340 |
Заглавие |
Научный потенциал юридической категории “правовые средства”[ENG]
The scientific potential of the legal category of "legal means" |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
Статья посвящена сущности правовых средств как особой юридической материи. Затронуты вопросы, касающиеся взаимосвязи исследуемой категории с другими правовыми явлениями, выделены специфические черты правовых средств. В заключение дана авторская дефиниция правовых средств.
The instrumental approach to the study of law is gaining popularity among legal scholars. Despite the fairly wide coverage in the literature, in the author's opinion, there is still no definition of "legal means", which would fully meet the requirements of reality. The founders of the theory of legal means are such eminent jurists as Barinov, N.A., Barkov, A.V., Vavilin, E.V., Kalmykov, Yu.Kh., Puginsky, B.I. and others. In the study of legal means involved Alekseev, S.S., Malko, A.V., Matuzov, N.I., Sapun, V.A., Shundikov K.V. and others. Legal means were investigated in constitutional law, public international law, criminal law, criminal procedure and administrative law as well. Interest in this subject is not growing cold- there are more and more studies and scientific debates. This can be explained by extreme fullness, polyphony and richness of content of relevant category. The article analyzes the nature of legal means. In the introduction the relevance of the chosen topic is settled. In the second part of the article "Features of the legal means" the legal phenomenon revealed from the standpoint of the unity of interrelated categories of "legal purpose" and "legal result" and highlighted specific properties of this phenomenon. In the conclusion summed up the results and displayed the author's definition of "legal means".
Текст |
Введение Категория «средство» до...
Ключевые слова |
Правовые средства
юридическая цель результат субъект права [ENG]
Legal means
legal purpose result legal entity |
Ссылки |
Файлы | 3-mongush.pdf |
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