Раздел |
1. Актуальные проблемы образования |
Страницы | 22-33 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 378.036.5.146 |
Заглавие |
Система оценки подготовленности студента к сотворческой деятельности в условиях компетентностного подхода[ENG]
Assessment system of the student readiness for co-creation activity in conditions of the competence approach |
Авторы |
ИгнатоваВалентина ВладимировнаСибирский государственный технологический университет
Доктор педагогических наук
IgnatovaValentina VladimirovnaSiberian State Technological University
Doctor of Pedagogics
КутузоваАнастасия ВалерьевнаСибирский государственный технологический университет
Старший преподаватель
KutuzovaAnastasiya Valer'evnaSiberian State Technological University
Senior lecturer
Аннотация |
Рассмотрены, проанализированы и уточнены категории «компетентностный подход», «подготовленность», «критерии подготовленности», «уровни подготовленности», в результате чего выделены критерии и уровни подготовленности студента к сотворческой деятельности, даны их качественные характеристики.
The subject of the study is student readiness for co-creative activity, the object of study is the levels and criteria for estimation of such kind of training. The purpose set by the authors is to reveal the qualitative characteristics of the criteria and levels of training students to work in cooperation by analyzing and clarifying the concepts of "competence approach", "readiness", "preparedness criteria", "levels of preparedness". The competence approach lies in the basis of the methodology of work. The study can be used by practicing teachers at all levels of professional education. The research identifies the following criteria: value and meaning, a selective and indicative, reflexive and praxeological, also authors mark the following levels of preparedness of students to co-creation activities: utilitarian and pragmatic, regulatory and functional, constructive and altruistic. These characteristics of the recognition criteria of preparedness of students to co-operative activity and levels of their expression may be the basis for a minimum of diagnostic cards (basic diagnosis) of study of student preparedness for co-operation activity. Results of diagnostics in preparation for student activities in co-creative way allow tracking changes based on levels of preparedness to co-creative student activities. It should be noted that the selected criteria and levels of preparedness of students can make the transition to the next step in the formation of the evaluation system of preparedness- selection and development of additional techniques to study the readiness of the students to such kind of work.
Текст |
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Ключевые слова |
Компетентностный подход
сотворческая деятельность
система оценки
The competence approach
co-creation activity
assessment system
Ссылки |
Файлы | 2-ignatova.pdf |
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