Раздел |
Аксиология культуры |
Страницы | 94-106 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 130.2 |
Заглавие |
Приоритет гуманитарной сферы в историческом развитии общества[ENG]
The priority of the humanitarian sphere in the historical development of society |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
Целью статьи стал философский анализ роли и значения гуманитарной составляющей в процессе модернизации общественной жизни, построение новой модели инновационного преобразования промышленности, социальности, культуры. Определив важнейшие принципы социокультурного проектирования, автор приходит к выводу о том, что оптимальное соотношение между процессами воспроизводства культурного наследия (т.е. актуализации, востребованности уже существующих в культуре или существовавших ранее явлений, ценностей, норм, традиций и т.д.) и процессами культурной инновации предполагает безусловное доминирование первой тенденции в России.
Subject of article is determined by the relevance of the choice that faces the modern Russian society: it is a choice between two paths of development, traditional and innovative. Purpose of the article is to accomplish the philosophical analysis of the role and importance of the humanitarian component in the modernization of social life, building a new model of innovative transformation of industry, sociality and culture. Analyzing the current state of Russian culture, the author concludes that the optimal ratio between the processes of reproduction of cultural heritage (i.e., mainstream, the demand for already existing in the culture or pre-existing events, values, norms, traditions, etc.) and processes of cultural innovation involves the unconditional dominance of the first trend in Russia. The key concept in the development of programs to support and develop the culture is not a revolutionary development, but preservation, consolidation of old samples of ideals. Revival in the strict sense of the concept- is to restore the forms of social life, capable of full creativity and creative activities. At the present time in various spheres of culture (and particularly the legal, economic, political, informational and industrial) they have stored considerable potential. This potential can be used for the benefit of the development of culture, identity, society (in terms of innovations related to information technology), but this will only happen in the event that will match the specifics of the national culture, if its implementation will be preceded by a stage of development of their own cultural heritage and gaining national and cultural identity.
Текст |
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Ключевые слова |
Гуманитарная сфера
общество образование аксиология идеал ментальность культурная типология социокультурное проектирование [ENG]
Humanitarian sphere
society education axiology ideal mentality a cultural typology socio-cultural design |
Ссылки |
Файлы | 7-frolova.pdf |
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