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Статья «Семейные ценности: механизмы формирования и продвижения»

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Архивные данные статьи Мищенко В.А.

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Семейная политика
Страницы 133-143
Тип [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды [УДК] 314.07; 364.65.
Семейные ценности: механизмы формирования и продвижения
Family values: mechanisms of formation and promotion
Владимир Анатольевич
Фонд Андрея Первозванного и Центр Национальной славы
Вице-президент, исполнительный директор
Vladimir Anatolyevich
The fund of Andrei Pervozvannyi and the Center of National Glory
Vice-president, executive director
Статья посвящена вопросам защиты семейных ценностей и рассматривает важнейшие социальные ценности- материнство и детство. Автор предлагает на примере исследований в области ценности как философской категории перейти к понятию ценностных ориентаций и от них- к ценностям семьи как основополагающим, придающим жизненный смысл существованию всего общества. В статье раскрывается роль общественных организаций, вносящих свой вклад в сохранение и укрепление семьи, материнства и детства.
The article is devoted to the questions of protection of family values and considers such major social values as motherhood and the childhood. The author offers on an example of researches in the field of value as a philosophical category to pass to the concept of valuable orientations and then to values of a family as a fundamental, thus giving vital sense to existence of all the society. The article considers the role of the public organizations which make contributions to preservation and strengthening of the family, motherhood and childhood. Valuable orientations are the major elements of internal structure of a person. They are formed on the basis of life experience of the individual. Gradually affirming in a person's consciousness they limit the most significant and essential from insignificant. It helps to provide some stability of sights and accept any type of behavior, activity; distribute on a degree of importance the needs and interests. On this basis it is possible to say that valuable orientations constitute one of the major factors which adjusts behavior and social mood of a person. Motherhood and childhood are the major social values. In public consciousness the mother and child welfare represents one of the most significant universal values. First of all it is caused by the most human essence- the ability to think of continuation of genus in future. For centuries people were looking for more perfect institutions of mother and child welfare. Motherhood and childhood welfare is the first of all social categories. Safety of a society appreciably depends on its condition and social security as by way of its physical and spiritual reproduction, economic, and technologies of intellectual development. In our century of "luster" where large families are not popular, with those ideologies of consumer society and individual style of life, above all things we need the following universal values: care, love, responsibility… It also concerns relations between the citizen and the state. It is natural that these values are demanded by the state and society.
Введение Ценности нередко сравни…
Ключевые слова
государственная поддержка
support of the state
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