Раздел |
Публичная политика |
Страницы | 81-90 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 172.3 |
Заглавие |
Предотвращение экстремизма в студенческой среде на основе формирования межконфессиональной толерантности[ENG]
Prevention of extremism in students' environment on the ground of forming inter-confessional tolerance |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
В статье анализируется динамика конфессиональных ориентаций студентов оренбургских вузов по результатам двух социологических опросов, проведённых в четырёх вузах Оренбурга. Выясняется отношение студентов к религии, межконфессиональным отношениям, а также к межконфессиональной толерантности. Рассматриваются перспективы изучения студентами в качестве факультативов таких предметов, как «Основы религиозной культуры», а также «История мировых религий».
In the present article the author tries to appraise the situation in students' environment in Orenburg and find out what measures should be undertaken for prevention of demonstrations of nationalistic youth in Russian regions, expressions of ethnic and confessional extremism as well as terroristic attacks in Moscow and other regions. The formation of tolerance in inter-confessional relations is carried out when affected by several relatively autonomous social factors. The most important of these factors are the state, families, schools, work collectives, class collectives; companies of counterparts, youth organizations, various informal spontaneous groups and communities; the church as well as mass media. All of them act simultaneously, make contacts, interact, and function in various political and socio-economic structures. After considering the results of the two social researches carried out in four institutions of higher education, the students' attitude to religion, inter-confessional relations as well as to inter-confessional tolerance were made clear. The article also considers the perspectives of studying such facultative subjects as "Foundations of religious cultures" and "History of world religions" by students. The purpose of the survey was to figure out the students' religiosity and to consider the problems and perspectives of theological education in institutions of higher education of the town.
Текст |
Введение Выступления националист...
Ключевые слова |
религиозная конфессия межконфессиональная толерантность межэтническая толерантность конфессиональная и этническая идентичность религиозное образование [ENG]
religious confession inter-confessional tolerance interethnic tolerance confessional and ethnic identity theological education |
Ссылки |
Файлы | 5-telyakaeva.pdf |
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