Раздел |
1. Политические процессы и институты |
Страницы | 22-47 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 321.728 |
Заглавие |
Структура, генезис и функционирование партийно-политической системы США (Часть 2)[ENG]
Structure, genesis and functioning of the party-political system of the USA (Part 2) |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
В статье даётся история формирования, трансформация, роль и место основных политических институтов США. Анализируются положение важных институтов: президента, конгресса, избирательной системы, политических партий и групп давления. Кроме того, генезис и функционирование всех американских политических институтов рассматривается в совокупности, как единая мажоритарная политическая система.
The article "Structure, genesis and functioning of party-political system in the USA" by B.A. Isaev is dedicated to examination of the party system in the USA. The author judges from the hypothesis that political parties and the whole party system are significantly influenced by the institutional design. This is to say the political institutions of legislative and executive branches, the electoral formula and constitutional provisions which determine the structure and mutual relations among authority branches, rights and freedoms which allow the citizens to participate fully in party activities including election campaigns. Through the agency of systems analysis method the article traces the functioning of all the three US party systems, but the main attention is paid to the third one which dates back to 1856. The author came to the following conclusion: so that to understand the role, position and activities of the US party system, one should consider it as a component of the political system, at that the party system environment is its surroundings – the political system. As the party system is inscribed into the political system we can consider it as a single formation. This party-political system with two main parties is functioning in the majority regime and that allows the political governing bodies to run the country rather effectively. The other methodological approach used by the author is a field method of party system exploration, when apart from the party analysis the exploration of party system fields is carried out, namely: social, electoral, ideological and parliamentary. The field analysis confirmed the leading role of two main parties residing in the ideological centre, in functioning of the party system. The third parties represent small political entities which slightly influence the functioning of the party-political system. The system is much more influenced by pressure groups through lobby organizations. The functioning of the American party-political system as a whole has been rather stable for some time past. The instability only arises under regime of cooperative government when representatives of the ruling party control the executive branch and representatives of the oppositional party control the legislative branch. The research results can be used by students and postgraduates of the faculties of political science in preparing their courses of study, as well as for publication of the monograph "Party-political system in the USA" for practical politicians and party organizers.
Текст |
Партийная система Американский бип...
Ключевые слова |
Политические институты
президент конгресс избирательная система партийная система политическая система США мажоритарная политическая система [ENG]
Political institutes
president congress election system party system political system USA majoritarian political system |
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Файлы | 2-isaev.pdf |
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