Раздел |
История, теория и методология психологии |
Страницы | 7-32 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 159.92; 159.955.4 |
Заглавие |
Вехи и логика развития рефлексивной психологии творчества на рубеже ХХ-XXI веков[ENG]
Milestones and logic of formation of reflexive psychology at the turn of XX-XXI centuries |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
Одной из новаций гуманитарного познания второй половины ХХ в. являются его эвристические достижения в психологическом и междисциплинарном изучении рефлексии. Это привело, в частности, к возникновению такого бурно развивающегося на рубеже ХХ-ХХI вв. инновационного направления исследований, как рефлексивная психология. Автор приводит методологическое различие психологии рефлексии и этапы зарождения и развития рефлексивной психологии.
One of the innovations of humane perception at the second half of the XX century was its heuristic achievements in psychological and cross-disciplinary study of reflection. It led, in particular, to formation of such an exploding innovative research trend as reflexive psychology at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. The author brings the methodological distinction of reflection psychology. The research starts from the moment of conceiving reflexive psychology in innovative examination of creative thinking. As a result of conceptual generalization of experimental researches of discursive solutions of creative tasks by means of system methodology a "four-level model" of organization of efficient and intellectual activity while solving creative tasks was created. The dominance of reflexive component of thought in its structure was educed; the productive role of reflection ahead of insight as well as its regulating function in the process of creative research was specified. As a result of experimental verification of the model and generalization of the theory of level deep organization of efficient thought later on originated the concept of reflexive psychology and the research program of study of its reflexive-personal and discursive-communicatory dependence was developed. On the practical level it made it possible to explicate applied reflexive-psychological investigations in five focal points in the 1980's: 1) psychological-pedagogic; 2) pathopsychalogical; 3) engineering-psychological; 4) ergonomic; 5) research on research. In the 1990's the study was carried out broadwise, generally with prepotency of applied aspects of humanitarian-reflexive psychology: 1) psycho-physiological, 2) psychological-pedagogical, 3) social-psychological, 4) psychological-acmeological, 5) psychological-political. As a result of the research the school "reflexive psychology" was differentiated into the three scientific schools: "reflexive-humanitarian psychology", "reflexive-humanistic acmeology", and "reflexive-didactical pedagogics". As a result of reflexive-psychological investigations in the 2000's the typology of reflexive processes was widened, According to that some of its kinds are differentiated – reflection: emotional, intellectual, personal, dialogic, communicative, cooperative, social, cultural, existential, spiritual. Hence such an innovative sphere of modern human study as reflexive psychology assumes All-Russia scale and integrates into the system of psychological sciences and becomes a smoothly part of socio-humanitarian perception.
Текст |
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Ключевые слова |
рефлексивная психология инновации творчество личность [ENG]
reflexive psychology innovations creativeness personality |
Ссылки |
Файлы | 1-semenov.pdf |
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