Страницы / Pages | 42-58 |
Тип / Type | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды / Numbers | [УДК] 330.341.1 |
Заглавие / Title |
Стадия экономической концетрации, как предвестник потери конкурентоспособности экономикой Украины[ENG]
Stage of economic concentration as a harbinger of the loss of competitiveness of Ukrainian economy |
Авторы / Authors |
Аннотация / Abstract |
Любое совершенное правовое регулирование является действенным лишь тогда, когда существует общая потребность в применении этого правового массива. Так, сегодня в Украине существует правовая система защиты конкуренции, однако, эта правовая система нивелируется другой необходимостью, а именно потребностью в монополизации экономики со стороны приближенных к власти олигархов. Сегодня потребность в монополизации экономики в Украине стала государственной политикой, и именно создание монопольных ниш является приоритетом. Следовательно, отсутствие проконкурентного сознания в государственной политике и у бизнеса, является значительной угрозой для конкурентоспособности страны в целом, поскольку угнетает рыночный бизнес, который вынужден платить монопольную ренту украинским олигархам.
For the time being in Ukraine there is a legal system of protection of competition, but the legal system is idle for the sake of the needs of monopolizing the economy by the government and the oligarchs close to them. Today, the need for monopolization of the economy in Ukraine has become a state policy. The absence of an effective competition policy is a threat to the competitiveness of the country in whole.
Background research is conditioned by the lack of systematic and comprehensive studies on the formation of a well-established model of functioning of Ukrainian state-owned oligarchic monopolism, as well as on the reduction of competitiveness of the economy due to the emergence of monopolistic niches.
The subject of the study is an analysis of markets, which have been taken over by the monopolization over the last 10 years in consequence of massive processes of economic concentration of business in favor of oligarchs close to the state authorities.
The aim of the article is to identify threats to the country's competitiveness in the stage of economic concentration and exercise the mechanisms of these threats evening-out.
The most important results of the study: the growth of acquisitions reflects the desire of businesses to eliminate competition and increase stability. Acquisitions create the illusion of progress without the creation of new companies or enhancing the competitiveness of existing ones. Stage of competitiveness based on the "scale effect" leads to decline in production. Competition slackening and market power increase at the oligarchs leads to the need to seize state power and represents the core of the problem of business and government combining.
Clear signs that the economy has entered a phase "economies of scale" are the lack of innovations. Consequently, those industries, which have not been updated for a long time, are rapidly losing its competitive edge, first in primary industries, and then in service. There is a slump in national production and almost complete replacement of the national goods by imports. As a consequence, at this stage there will inevitably be a deficit of the trade balance of the country and its default, which is observed in Ukraine.
Текст / Text |
Введение Сегодня в Украине существует правовая система защиты конкуренции...
Ключевые слова / Keywords |
государственный монополизм олигархический монополизм монопольные ниши экономическая концентрация [ENG]
state monopoly oligarchic monopolies monopolistic niches economic concentration |
Библиография / References |
Файлы / Files | 4-chernelevskaya.pdf |
Выходные данные журнала «Экономика: вчера, сегодня, завтра», в котором размещена статья / Publisher's imprint of the journal "Economics: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow", which includes the article ►
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