Раздел / Sectional title |
Профессиональное образование[ENG]
Professional education |
Страницы / Pages | 113-123 |
Тип / Type | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды / Numbers | [УДК] 300-399 |
Заглавие / Title |
Компоненты готовности студентов к педагогическому общению[ENG]
Components of students' readiness for pedagogical communication |
Авторы / Authors |
Аннотация / Abstract |
В статье дается содержательная характеристика готовности студентов к педагогическому общению, описаны компоненты, уровни, стадии формирования готовности к педагогическому общению.
The article represents main causes that aggravate the process of cooperation between subjects of pedagogical communication. Notion "readiness for pedagogical communication", conditions and sources forming pedagogical communication, its factors and functions shall be regarded.
The author defines components of readiness for pedagogical communication. These are motivational personal component, content component and pragmatist component. Phases of forming readiness for pedagogical communication are also singled out in the article. The first is the readiness generation and the second is the readiness formation. The last consists of two stages: primary and final.
The author performs the following criteria of formed readiness levels: communication competency (communication acquaintance, skills), personal pedagogical values (values – purposes, values – aids, values – relations, values – quantities and knowledge), communication initiative.
The levels of readiness for pedagogical communication are specified in details: imitating level, constructive interpretive level and creative modernizing level. Readiness for pedagogical communication is performed graphically. The graphic model comprises the components and their content, criteria, results, phases and levels, conditions and sources forming pedagogical communication, its factors and functions.
Текст / Text |
Введение Анализируя особенности деятельности педагогов...
Ключевые слова / Keywords |
Готовность к педагогическому общению
компоненты готовности к педагогическому общению уровни готовности к педагогическому общению [ENG]
Readiness for pedagogical communication
components of readiness for pedagogical communication levels of readiness for pedagogical communication |
Ссылки / References |
Файлы / Files | 7-akhmerova-dinara-firzanovna.pdf |
Выходные данные журнала «Педагогический журнал», в котором размещена статья / Publisher's imprint of the journal "Pedagogical journal", which includes the article ►
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