Страницы / Pages | 13-42 |
Тип / Type | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды / Numbers | [УДК] 32 |
Заглавие / Title |
Губернатор А.Н. Ткачев – интегральная компетентность, практика…[ENG]
Governor A.N. Tkachev – an integrated competence, practice… |
Авторы / Authors |
Аннотация / Abstract |
В 1990-е годы, когда государственная политика в сфере межэтнических отношений приобрела особую актуальность, когда от правильного решения многих вопросов зависел успех развития национальных процессов в России, ее составляющих регионах, реальность происходивших преобразований потребовала новой генерации политиков. Быстроменяющиеся процессы повседневности требовали также выдвижения на передний план личности с интегральной компетентностью, способной к быстрой реакции на политические события, изменения, принимать решения, в том числе и в возникавшей экстремальной обстановке, последовательно проводить в жизнь установки Президента России, Правительства Российской Федерации. В числе их можно назвать министра по делам национальностей и внешним связям Республики Дагестан М.С.-М. Гусаева, президента Республики Калмыкия К.Н. Илюмжинова, губернаторов Ростовской области В.Ф. Чуба, губернаторов Краснодарского края Н.И. Кондратенко, А.Н. Ткачева. И обязанности, и ответственность губернатора края А. Ткачева, в связи с проведением зимних Олимпийских игр 2014 г., заметно приумножаются. Изучение опыта его работы обретает актуальность.
The period 1910-2012 has been marked in the Russian Federation as a period of challenging development of all aspects of the multi-ethnic community. It became obvious that without a strong economic component, high level of inter-ethnic relations, their constant harmonization, it was unlikely to see further development of statehood, preservation of its integrity, as well as its original culture of the peoples inhabiting, the reviving of once existed lasting dialogue between cultures.
The implementation of these priority areas fell on a completely new direction for politicians. One of its representatives acts the Krasnodar Territory Governor Alexander Tkachev. The article describes his activities as a personality with integrated expertise, able to combine federal and local interests (of the subject), to maintain peaceful coexistence of ethnic communities in the Territory, while remaining consistent supporter of the Orthodox faith. Emphasizing the establishment of close relations in the implementation of common goals, Alexander Tkachev quickly became involved in versatile politics as an individual and as a governor, overcoming all the negative, often unfounded, evaluations of his work, as well as misunderstanding of his purpose.
He remained an active participant in the ongoing transformations of the Kuban multiethnic community, introducing and improving forms of interethnic relations regulation, the revival of the Russian Cossacks. Based on the fact that Kuban Cossacks remains one of the leading components of the Russian Cossacks, the governor defines its role in maintaining public order. He examines public order as a part of the basis for stability.
Alexander Tkachev has consistently adhered to the principle according to which the economy has a solid basis for a successful development of the region, and in this case he puts a great deal of trust in young people, a young engineering, and he is involved in the process of its studying in new conditions. High level of culture A. Tkachev estimates as a basis for improvement of self-awareness and national identity of citizens.
Remaining the governor of the Russian border region Alexander Tkachev builds relationships with its neighbors in the North Caucasus and far abroad. As he states: "To study to live near is never too late". Nevertheless, the main being formula for governor is moving forward and the creation of conditions in the region, its cities, in the regional center, for all peoples to live comfortably.
Финансирование / Financing |
Проект подготовлен при поддержке – Программы фундаментальных исследований Президиума РАН «Традиции и инновации в истории и культуре» (координатор: академик А.П. Деревянко). Направление 2. Советская модернизация и ее влияние на российское общество (координаторы – чл.-корр. РАН Е.И. Пивовар, д.и.н. Ю.А. Петров).
The project was prepared with the support of the Fundamental Research Program of the Presidium of RAS "Traditions and innovation in the history and culture" (coordinator: academician A.P. Derevyanko). Discipline 2. Soviet modernization and its impact on Russian society (coordinators: RAS corresponding member E.I. Pivovar, Full Doctor of History Yu.A. Petrov).
Текст / Text |
Введение В российской историографии, а также политологии...
Ключевые слова / Keywords |
Ткачев политика власть Краснодарский край муниципальные учреждения казачество национальный турки-месхетинцы эпоха Олимпийские игры [ENG]
Tkachev politics power Krasnodar region municipal institutions the Cossacks national Meskhetian Turks era Olympic Games |
Библиография / References |
Файлы / Files | 1-bugai.pdf |
Выходные данные журнала «Теории и проблемы политических исследований», в котором размещена статья / Publisher's imprint of the journal "Theories and Problems of Political Studies", which includes the article ►
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