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Научная статья по культурологии «Русский язык в Китае: через призму времени»

Article "Russian Language in China through the prism of time"

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Архивные данные научной статьи Матюшкиной Т.П.

Archival data of the article written by Matyushkina T.P.

Выходные данные культурологической статьи

Article output data

Страницы / Pages 81-89
Тип / Type [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды / Numbers [УДК] 81:327
Заглавие / Title
Русский язык в Китае: через призму времени
Russian Language in China through the prism of time
Авторы / Authors
Татьяна Павловна
Доцент кафедры русского языка,
Хулунбуирский университет
Tat'yana Pavlovna
Associate professor of the Russian language department,
Hulunbuir University
Аннотация / Abstract
Статья посвящена вопросам преподавания русского языка в Китае через призму исторических событий и взаимоотношений между нашими странами. Рассмотрены вопросы взаимосвязи языка и русской культуры, подъём и спад интереса к русскому языку, перспективы дальнейшего изучения русского языка.
The article is dedicated to the study and advancement of the Russian language in China in different historical periods. The questions of the relationship of language and Russian culture, the rise and fall of interest in the Russian language, prospects for further study of the Russian language, shall be regarded. The author examines the reasons for generating interest in the Russian language, likes and dislikes through the prism of historical events in the dynamics of the relationship between two countries.
Language of any country is a critical component of its culture and therefore the study of Russian language in China – is an acquaintance by means of language with Russian culture, with its moral principles and traditions, with its cultural and historical values.
First need to study Russian language in China began in the late XVII century, and since then the Russian language is quite popular and in demand in China.
The author emphasizes that a discrete role in the spread of the Russian language and culture in China played by the representatives of the Russian intelligentsia, who had emigrated in the early twentieth century. Thanks to them, Russian language was all stronger taking up its position in the contiguous country.
"To learn Russian language by the whole nation", "Russian and Chinese are brothers forever" – such slogans were proclaimed in 1949 after the Chinese People's Revolution. The 1950s and the beginning of the 1960s marked an unprecedented manifestation of interest in Russian language and culture in China.
For the time being Russian language along with other foreign languages continues to be in demand in China, this is due to the close cooperation and partnership between the two countries.
Thus, interest in the Russian language one day extinguishes and another day erupts with renewed vigor, so one of the major tasks today is to maintain this interest, stimulate the interest in the Russian language, its study and advancement.
Текст / Text
Введение Интерес к России и русскому языку в Китае является…
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Ключевые слова / Keywords
Русский язык в Китае
взаимосвязь языка и культуры
русский язык как иностранный
сертификационные уровни
Фонд «Русский мир»
современный подход
Russian language in China
Russian as a foreign language
Fund "Russian World"
modern approach
Библиография / References
  1. Лю Лиминь Преподавание русского языка в Китае. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://гussian.people.com.cn/31521/2920106. html
  2. Материалы Фонда «Русский мир». [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: www.russkiymir.ru
  3. Русское зарубежье. Золотая книга эмиграции. Первая треть ХХ века: Энциклопедический биографический словарь. – М.: РОССПЭН, 1997. – 742 с.
  4. Эмирзиади Л.В. Русский язык в Китае: история и современность // Русистика в Китае: традиции и инновации: материалы Межд. науч.-практ. конф. Цицикар, КНР, 23-26 окт. 2013 г. – СПб.: Златоуст, 2013. – С. 16, 19.
  1. Emirziadi, L.V. (2013), "Russian Language in China: Past and Present", Russian studies in China: traditions and innovations: Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. Qiqihar, China, 23-26 October, 2013 ["Russkii yazyk v Kitae: istoriya i sovremennost'", Rusistika v Kitae: traditsii i innovatsii: materialy Mezhd. nauch.-prakt. konf. Tsitsikar, KNR, 23-26 okt. 2013 g.], Zlatoust, St. Petersburg, pp. 16, 19.
  2. Liming, L., "Russian language teaching in China" ["Prepodavanie russkogo yazyka v Kitae"], available at: http://gussian.people.com.cn/31521/2920106. html
  3. "Materials of the Fund "Russian world" ["Materialy Fonda "Russkii mir"], available at: www.russkiymir.ru
  4. Russian expatriate community. The Golden Book of emigration. The first third of the XX century: an encyclopedic biographical dictionary [Russkoe zarubezh'e. Zolotaya kniga emigratsii. Pervaya tret' XX veka: Entsiklopedicheskii biograficheskii slovar'], ROSSPEN, Moscow, 1997, 742 p.
Файлы / Files 6-matyushkina.pdf

Архивные данные журнала по культурологии № 1-2 за 2014 год «Культура и цивилизация», в котором размещена статья / Publisher's imprint of the journal "Culture and Civilization", which includes the article.