Article output data
Страницы / Pages | 80-107 |
Тип / Type | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды / Numbers | [УДК] 349.3 |
Заглавие / Title |
Российская пенсионная система: право, экономика, демография[ENG]
Russian pension system: law, economics, demography |
Авторы / Authors |
Аннотация / Abstract |
В статье рассматриваются отдельные аспекты взаимосвязи экономических, социальных, правовых и демографических факторов в российской пенсионной системе. Развитие этой системы должно предусматривать наряду с государственным и индивидуальным пенсионным страхованием формирование нового уровня – подсистемы добровольного пенсионного социального страхования. Эта подсистема базируется на принципах добровольности и социальной солидарности. Ее функционирование осуществляется под контролем представителей работников, работодателей, самозанятых граждан.
The possibilities of modern Russian pension system are determined by a pronounced state compulsory figure. Additional corporate and individual pension provision is not set into this system and remains a separate element. There must be a subsystem between them, built on the basis of approach that would combine individual elements of universally binding and individually oriented subsystems.
Further development of the pension system should provide for the mechanisms formation in the form of subsystem of voluntary pension social insurance. This subsystem is based on the principles of voluntarism and solidarity and can be built on industry-specific and territorial grounds. Its activities can be carried out under the supervision of representatives of workers, employers, self-employed people.
The most obvious and effective incentive for employees as insured in the pension insurance system is the value of the insured salary, from which the insurance premiums are paid. This value should be the primary and defining in the mechanism of calculating the amount of pension. As a result, a natural connection of employee's interest is stimulated in the productive labor in order to get a decent salary and to the form own future pension. The development of a new level of pension system – voluntary pension social security – is also based on the fundamental role of the insured salary.
Statutory stimulation of later retirement may have negative consequences. An employee's desire to work after retirement age depends not only on himself but also on the capacity of the economy to accept these human resources. Uncertainty in the number of such workers associated with the condition of individual decision to continue the work and refusal of the pension will not allow predicting their demand in the economy and controlling the situation on the labour market. Consequently, the desire of the worker to earn higher pension may appear difficult or impossible at all.
Текст / Text |
Введение Современные дискуссии о будущем российской…
Introduction Contemporary debates about the future of the Russian…
(Вы можете ознакомиться в файле ПДФ c полным текстом научной статьи по юриспруденции) |
Ключевые слова / Keywords |
Пенсионная система
пенсионное страхование добровольное пенсионное социальное страхование пенсионный возраст [ENG]
Pension system
pension insurance voluntary pension social insurance pension age |
Библиография / References |
Файлы / Files | 5-mironova.pdf |
Архивные материалы юридического журнала № 1-2 за 2014 год «Вопросы российского и международного права», в котором размещена статья / Publisher's imprint of the journal "Matters of Russian and International Law", which includes the article.
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