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Научная статья по педагогике «Студенческое самоуправление как механизм развития лидерских качеств современного студента вуза»

Article "Student's self-government as a mechanism of leadership skills development of the modern university student"

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Архивные данные статьи по педагогическим наукам, Гребенюк Е.Н.

Archival data of the article written by Grebenyuk E.N.

Выходные данные научной педагогической статьи

Article output data

Страницы / Pages 42-48
Тип / Type [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды / Numbers [УДК] 37.032
Заглавие / Title
Студенческое самоуправление как механизм развития лидерских качеств современного студента вуза
Student's self-government as a mechanism of leadership skills development of the modern university student
Авторы / Authors
Елена Николаевна
Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры социальной педагогики и психологии,
Астраханский государственный университет
Elena Nikolaevna
PhD (Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor of the department of social pedagogy and psychology,
Astrakhan State University
Аннотация / Abstract
B статье рассматриваются возможности формирования и развития лидерских качеств современного студента вуза через систему студенческого самоуправления. Анализируются потенциальные возможности студенческого самоуправления как социального института.
The article analyzes the capabilities of student's self-government as a social institution. RF Government has identified the main criteria for the selection of effective institutions. Modern university educational system needs qualitative organizational change of a management structure, which, in the author's opinion, central element should be the student's self-government of the university as a youth government personnel reserve.
At the present stage of the development of Russian society a resurgence of student organizations on the new democratic basis is observed, that build up their activities on the basis of educational, professional and social needs of young people, which interests they represent, correlating them with the social and cultural context of youth development as a stratum of higher education or social institution. In this regard, the formation of new educational field seems highly relevant in the high school, its reference point for the development of the student's self-government, profound foregrounding of its pedagogical potential, active involvement of students in the social processes and support of public student initiatives at all levels. Formation of such a field is impossible without a theoretical understanding of the essence of contemporary student's self-government, learning important conditions for effective implementation of the pedagogical potential of student organizations.
Текст / Text
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Ключевые слова / Keywords
Cтуденческое самоуправление
социальное лидерство
личностные качества
Student's self-government
social leadership
personal qualities
Библиография / References
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  5. Murtazin, R.A. (2011), The development of axiological potential of university students in the system of student's self-government: dissertation [Razvitie aksiologicheskogo potentsiala studentov universiteta v sisteme studencheskogo samoupravleniya: diss. … k. ped. n.], Chelyabinsk, 225 p.
  6. Shigapova, L.P. (2008), Formation of leadership skills at university students involved in the activities of the self-government: dissertation [Formirovanie liderskikh kachestv studentov vuza v deyatel'nosti organizatsii samoupravleniya: dis. … k. ped. n.], Kazan, 228 p.
Файлы / Files 4-grebenyuk.pdf

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