Аннотация / Abstract |
В данной статье рассматриваются основные проблемы гармонизации российского семейного обеспечения с положениями Конвенции МОТ №102 «О минимальных нормах социального обеспечения» (далее Конвенция). Исследуются установленные Конвенцией минимально необходимые параметры строительства национального законодательства. По результатам анализа предлагаются выводы и рекомендации по совершенствованию российского законодательства.
The Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention (No. 102) that was adopted by the International Labour conference of the ILO in 1952 is a fundamental international social security instrument providing protection against main social risks and contingencies. The Convention considers family benefit to be one of the branches of social security. Each branch establishes minimum requirements which must be fulfilled by the state in case of ratification. The article carries out an analysis of Russian family benefit from the perspective of these minimum standards. The author of the article identifies the main problems relating to harmonisation of national legislation with the Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention. The author thinks that the excessive diversity of the laws and regulations, a lack of federal social standards could question the principle of common responsibility of the state. As a result of decentralisation of family benefits, the role of the monthly child allowance as a main social transfer has been decreasing over the recent period. On the other hand, the assessment of the coverage of protected people as well as cumulative state expenditures show the formal compliance of the national legislation with the minimum standards.
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Для цитирования / For citation |
Манджиева С.В. Гармонизация российского семейного обеспечения с нормами Конвенции МОТ №102 «О минимальных нормах социального обеспечения» // Вопросы российского и международного права. 2015. № 10. С. 149-169.
Mandzhieva S.V. (2015) Garmonizatsiya rossiiskogo semeinogo obespecheniya s normami Konventsii MOT №102 "O minimal'nykh normakh sotsial'nogo obespecheniya" [Harmonisation of Russian family benefit with the norms of the ILO Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention No. 102]. Voprosy rossiiskogo i mezhdunarodnogo prava [Matters of Russian and International Law], 10, pp. 149-169.