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«Глобальные проблемы человечества и гипотеза катаклизмов и круговорота жизни на Земле»

Article "The global problems of mankind and the hypothesis about cataclysms and the constant flow of life on Earth"

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Архивные данные статьи Захарцева С.И.

Archival data of the article written by Zakhartsev S.I.

Выходные данные научной статьи по философии

Article output data

Раздел / Sectional title
Социальная философия
Social philosophy
Страницы / Pages 9-23
Тип / Type [RAR] – Научная статья
Коды / Numbers [УДК] 12
Заглавие / Title
Глобальные проблемы человечества и гипотеза катаклизмов и круговорота жизни на Земле
The global problems of mankind and the hypothesis about cataclysms and the constant flow of life on Earth
Авторы / Authors
Сергей Иванович
Доктор юридических наук, профессор, кафедра теории и истории государства и права,
МГУТУ им. К.Г. Разумовского
Sergei Ivanovich
Doctor of Law, professor, Department of theory and history of state and law,
Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky
Аннотация / Abstract
В статье анализируются современные глобальные проблемы существования человечества, приводится их авторская классификация и анализ. На основе изложенного автором выдвигается гипотеза катаклизмов и круговорота человеческой жизни на Земле.
The article contains materials partially included in the book Filosofiya. Filosofiya prava. Yuridicheskaya nauka [Philosophy. Philosophy of law. Legal science] written by S.I. Zakhartsev and V.P. Sal'nikov and published in 2015. It analyses the global problems that mankind faces. The author of the article proposes his own classification of the global problems of mankind. The article also analyses the causes of these global problems and the possible ways of solving them. The author points out that he is far from being optimistic about the chance of solving all the problems mentioned in the article and thinks that cataclysms are inevitable and that they may lead to the death of the overwhelming majority of people, that is why he suggests the hypothesis about cataclysms and the constant flow of human life on Earth. This hypothesis about existence on Earth contains new information and can be regarded as one of current importance in the light of the global problems that mankind faces and tries to solve. The author of the article admits that his hypothesis (like any other version of existence on Earth) has weaknesses that can be discussed and encourages other scientists to participate in this discussion.
Текст / Text
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Ключевые слова / Keywords
глобальные проблемы человечества
гипотеза катаклизмов и круговорота жизни
global problems of mankind
hypothesis about cataclysms and the constant flow of life
Библиография / References
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  2. Lisina E.A. (2011) Dialektika stabil'nosti, izmeneniya i razvitiya v istorii evropeiskoi mysli [Dialectics of stability, change and development in the history of European thought]. Vestnik Chelyabinskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta [Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University], 2, pp. 126-130.
  3. Nekhamkin V.A. (2014) Osnovnye podkhody k resheniyu global'nykh problem: vozmozhnosti i predely [The main approaches to solving global problems: possibilities and limits]. Sotsium i vlast' [Society and power], 4 (48), pp. 13-17.
  4. Sarrazin T. (2010) Deutschland schafft sich ab: Wie wir unser Land aufs Spiel setzen. München: DVA. (Russ. ed.: Sarratsin T. (2013) Germaniya: samolikvidatsiya. Moscow: AST Publ.)
  5. Stepin V.S. (2008) Filosofiya nauki. Obshchie problemy [Philosophy of science. General problems]. Moscow.
  6. Zakhartsev S.I. (2014) Nekotorye problemy teorii i filosofii prava [Some problems of theory and philosophy of law]. Moscow: Norma Publ.
  7. Zakhartsev S.I., Sal'nikov V.P. (2015) Filosofiya. Filosofiya prava. Yuridicheskaya nauka [Philosophy. Philosophy of law. Legal science]. Moscow: Yurlitinform Publ.
Файлы / Files 1-zakhartsev.pdf
Для цитирования / For citation
Захарцев С.И. Глобальные проблемы человечества и гипотеза катаклизмов и круговорота жизни на Земле // Контекст и рефлексия: философия о мире и человеке. 2015. № 4-5. С. 9-23.
Zakhartsev S.I. (2015) Global'nye problemy chelovechestva i gipoteza kataklizmov i krugovorota zhizni na Zemle [The global problems of mankind and the hypothesis about cataclysms and the constant flow of life on Earth]. Kontekst i refleksiya: filosofiya o mire i cheloveke [Context and Reflection: Philosophy of the World and Human Being], 4-5, pp. 9-23.

Выходные архивные данные философского журнала № 4-5`2015 «Контекст и рефлексия: философия о мире и человеке», в котором размещена статья / Publisher's imprint of the journal "Context and Reflection: Philosophy of the World and Human Being", which includes the article.