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Статья «Дискуссионные вопросы предъявления прокурором гражданского иска в уголовном процессе в защиту интересов государства»

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Коды [УДК] 347.922.62
Дискуссионные вопросы предъявления прокурором гражданского иска в уголовном процессе в защиту интересов государства
The discussion questions of the Prosecutor bringing a civil action in the criminal process to protect state interests
Дмитрий Константинович
Академия Генеральной прокуратуры РФ
Dmitrii Konstantinovich
Academy of the State Office of Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation
Post-graduate student
В статье обращается внимание на дискуссионные моменты предъявления прокурором гражданского иска в уголовном процессе в защиту интересов государства, а именно на способ восстановления нарушенного материального права, возможность регрессных требований, процедуру отказа от иска.
In the study author is questioning about how to restore the violated rights of crime as it affects the effectiveness of the protection of the institute of the state, a victim of crime, as well as the possibility of a real execution of sentences. The subject of the paper is the presentation of controversial issues – the prosecutor's civil action in criminal proceedings in defense of the interests of the state properties, in particular, a way to restore the violated rights of the material, the possibility of recourse, the procedure for rejection of the claim. As a result, the author comes to the following conclusions: real compensation for the damage would lead to achieving the goals would have a strong recollection and preventive value, but such a solution should be of a single character, and be applied as a rule, in response to society as for criminal cases. The author also considers it possible to give the prosecutor the right of redress in the criminal case to protect the interests of a state, however, exist a lot of nuances that make it difficult and, to some degree, distract the court from the solution of the fundamental question of the criminal process – culpability or innocence of a person accused of committing a crime.
The author also believes that the prosecutor may bring a civil action into a criminal case, if it is not possible to set a specific victim. In conclusion, the author raises the question of the necessity of introducing the concept of the state applicable to criminal proceedings relationship.
The practical application of these innovations will allow to resolve property claims of the state in time, also will eliminate the dual procedure, partially reduce the burden on prosecutors involved in the civil trial, state prosecutors will focus on the need for maximum assistance to the court to resolve a civil action the prosecutor in a criminal case to protect the interests of the state, and will increase the level of criminal justice and protect the interests of the state.
Важным для разрешения гражданского...
Ключевые слова
гражданский иск
интересы государства
civil lawsuit
the prosecutor
the state's interests
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