Раздел |
2. Уголовный процесс: проблемы, теория, практика |
Страницы | 52-62 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 343.1 |
Заглавие |
Участие специалиста в исследовании материалов уголовного дела[ENG]
Participation of an expert in analysis of materials of a criminal case |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
Закон предоставляет сторонам и суду возможность привлекать специалиста к оказанию им содействия в ознакомлении с материалами уголовного дела, который может в таких случаях выполнять роль технического помощника субъектов доказывания либо формировать по их поручению новый вид доказательства – заключение специалиста.
The law affords an opportunity for the parties and the court to engage a specialist for assistance in studying materials of a criminal case. In such cases this specialist can play the role of a technical assistant as for evidence subjects or form, on their errand, a new kind of proof (evidence) – the expert opinion.
The author emphasizes that if the proving (evidence) subject who investigates the materials of the criminal case engages a specialist exceptionally for the purpose of his/her assistance in application of corresponding technical equipment (computers, film projectors, copy machines etc), then such a specialist acts as a technical assistant of an investigator or a defense lawyer. If however he/she carries out investigations of the presented materials on their errand with the view of formulation of his/her opinion – a separate form of evidence (Part 2, Article 74 of the Criminal Procedure Code), – then the criminal case materials investigation is carried out by the parts within the frame of verification of evidence, and the expert opinion represents one of his/her procedural means.
The author concludes: the parts and the court can attract a specialist for assistance in criminal case materials investigation by virtue of application of corresponding technical equipment, and that allows them to verify the collected evidence fully and in detail.
Текст |
В соответствии с ч. 1 ст. 58 УПК сп...
Ключевые слова |
уголовный процесс
материалы уголовного дела
criminal trial
criminal case materials
the expert
Ссылки |
Файлы | 5-budnikov.pdf review-budnikov.pdf |
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