Раздел |
3. Теория и история литературы |
Страницы | 76-91 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 140.8 |
Заглавие |
Парадигма антиномий «женственности» в повествовательной модели романа Б.Л. Пастернака «Доктор Живаго» (на примере образов Ларисы, Тони и Марины)[ENG]
Paradigm of antinomies of "feminity" in narrative model of the novel of B.L. Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago" (on the example of images of Larisa, Tonya and Marina) |
Авторы |
ГубановСергей АлександровичКостромской государственный университет им. Н.А. Некрасова
GubanovSergey AleksandrovichKostroma State Nekrasov University
Post-graduate student
Аннотация |
В рамках данного исследования речь идет о смысловых и функциональных категориях, механизмах и тенденциях преломления классического философского дискурса антиномий в художественном мире романа Б.Л. Пастернака «Доктор Живаго». Природа антиномий в повествовании романа становится символом обозначения особенностей пространственно-временной организации действий, событий и личностных коллизий персонажей. Однако здесь мы рассматриваем функции антиномий сквозь призму женских образов, которые образуют парадигму, кардинально противоположную мужским образам романа. Идентификация специфических сторон антиномического дискурса, запечатленного в образах Тони, Ларисы и Марины, представляет новый подход в методологическом плане раскрытия сущностных характеристик их смысловой типологии в функциональном генезисе.
The subject of the article is meaningful and functional categories, mechanisms and trends in the refractive index of the classical philosophical discourse of antinomies in the art world of B.L. Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago". The nature of the antinomies in the narrative of the novel becomes a symbol marking the features of spatio-temporal organization of activities, events and personal conflicts between the characters. Functions of antinomies are considered through the light of female characters, which form a paradigm radically opposite to masculine imagery of the novel. The identification of specific aspects of antinomic discourse imprinted in the characters of Tonya, Larisa and Marina represents a new approach in terms of methodology, the disclosure of the essential characteristics of the semantic typology of the functional genesis. A single person in the novel (if we follow the conditional differentiation of major and minor characters) does not create a full-fledged impression of artistic isolation. Rather, he becomes a local starting point of almost any action and measure of its semantic versatility in literary studies understanding. In this connection the inner dialectic of the image is realized in constant dynamic updates and improvements, thanks to the different situations and events. Every female character is distinguished by its originality, exclusivity and accuracy of the content, which sometimes undergoes various changes, so that there is a certain vagueness in the shaped structure, a sense of moving content focuses from one image to another. Such appeals to the movement of the semantic antinomies as a function of the plane of the hidden effects on the structural organization of the character. However, this peculiar feature does not detract from the creativity of those writer's tasks that are pursued by Pasternak in the image of every female character, presented as a symbol of comprehension of the living space of Yurii Zhivago, its stages and shades.
Текст |
Совершенно уникальное и особое мест…
Ключевые слова |
Б. Пастернак
женские образы
B. Pasternak
an image
female images
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