Раздел |
2. Актуальные проблемы лингвистики |
Страницы | 49-61 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 82-94 |
Заглавие |
Автографы писателя как объект филологического исследования (на материале автографов В.М. Шукшина)[ENG]
Writer's autographs as the object of philological studies (on the material of V.M. Shukshin's autographs) |
Авторы |
МарьинДмитрий ВладимировичАлтайский государственный университет
Кандидат филологических наук
Mar'inDmitrii VladimirovichAltai State University
PhD (Philology)
Аннотация |
В статье рассматриваются некоторые проблемы филологического анализа автографов. На материале автографов известного русского писателя, актера и режиссера В.М. Шукшина исследуется процедура анализа текстов этого жанра нехудожественного творчества. Автор последовательно рассматривает проблемы: текстологии автографов, композиционного строения автографов, языка автографов. Предложенная автором процедура может быть использована для описания любых дарственных, памятных и пр. надписей.
Subject of our research is autographs of famous Russian writer, actor and film director V. M. Shukshin. The autograph is considered at its most narrow interpretation of the term: as a literary genre, which includes all sorts of labels ad hoc: dedicatory and commemorative inscriptions in books, photos, etc., "the inscription in the album", "a poem in the album", etc. The purpose of this article is to review autographs as an object of philological studies. On the material of V.M. Shukshin's autographs we study process of analysis of texts of this non-literary genre. The research methodology includes the methods of textual, structural and compositional analysis of the text and historical linguistic analysis. The author concludes that the signatures provide an opportunity to reveal the writer's communication circle, the nature of his relationship with the addressee, the individual facts of the creative and social activities of the writer in their geography and socio-cultural background. When you publish an autograph it's necessary to pay special attention to the issues of textual criticism, and its neglecting leads to a distortion of the author's text, denies its authenticity. The author offers the following classification of autographs: by the author's strategy, by the type of authorial intention and by the type of case forms of the object of the writer's address. Procedure, suggested by the author, can be used to describe any memorabilia, dedicatory and other kinds of inscriptions.
Текст |
Введение Традиционно термин «автог...
Ключевые слова |
русская литература
русский язык
В.М. Шукшин
russian literature
Russian language
V.M. Shukshin
Ссылки |
Файлы | 3-Marin.pdf |
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