Раздел |
4. Начальное образование |
Страницы | 95-110 |
Тип | [RAR] – Научная статья |
Коды | [УДК] 371. 01: 373 |
Заглавие |
Принципы осуществления коммуникативного образования младших школьников[ENG]
Principles of realization of communicative education of schoolchildren |
Авторы |
Аннотация |
В начальной школе должен быть заложен прочный фундамент для становления коммуникативно-развивающейся языковой личности младшего школьника и осознания им структуры родного языка. Формирование навыков письма и чтения, слушания и говорения должно идти параллельно с изучением грамматических основ русского языка. Поэтому педагогу при обучении русскому языку следует придерживаться принципов осуществления коммуникативного образования.
The article analyzes the principles of implementation of communicative education of trainees (polyculture, personification, poly-subjectness, interlocutriness), which are to be considered in the course of conceptualization of this process pedagogic management. The principle of polyculture promotes the development of a schoolchild as a communicatory developing linguistic personality through training a man of culture who soaked up the treasure of social heritage and who is able and ready to realize interpersonal communication on the basis of cooperation of its participants in achievement of interaction objectives. The personification principle denotes a stable identification of a schoolchild with another significant man, an ambition to look like this man. The personified ideals are the efficient means of moral and communicatory education. The principle of poly-subjectness appears from the conception of the fact that human essence is much richer, more miscellaneous and more complicated than human activities. A schoolchild is involved in various kinds of social informational and communicative activity, which contain various and in many cases contradictory values and world-view orientations. The activities of various subjects of communicatory education with the leading role of an educational institution should be wherever possible consistent with the objectives and values of development and education of trainees in the early stage of elementary general education. The interlocutory principle is primarily considered as an "interlocutor (companion) orientation".
Текст |
Введение При разработке научно-мет...
Ключевые слова |
Принцип поликультурности
принцип персонификации принцип полисубъектности принцип диалогичности [ENG]
Principle of polyculture
personification principle poly-subject principle interlocutory principle |
Ссылки |
Файлы | 7-mishanova.pdf |
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