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Статья «Коммуникативно-гуманитарный подход в моделировании образовательного процесса в гуманитарном вузе»

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Коды [УДК] 37.013.75
Коммуникативно-гуманитарный подход в моделировании образовательного процесса в гуманитарном вузе
The communicatory humanitarian approach in the process of modeling the educational process in a humanitarian institution of higher education
Галина Александровна
Северо-Западный филиал Российской правовой академии Министерства юстиции Российской Федерации
Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин
Galina Aleksandrovna
The Northwest Branch of the Russian Law Academy of Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
PhD (Pedagogy), Associate professor of the department of humanitarian and socioeconomic disciplines
В статье освещены особенности коммуникативно-гуманитарного подхода в организации образовательного процесса в гуманитарном вузе (бакалавриат), цель проекта и решаемые задачи, описана научная и практическая значимость проекта; заявлена технология архитектонического диалога для формирования потребности в автокоммуникации на этапе формирования нравственного внутреннего убеждения личности. Описаны возможности педагогического сопровождения для коррекции рефлексивной автокоммуникации студента.
The object of the article is to reveal the integrative capabilities of communicatory humanitarian approach in the process of modeling the educational process in a humanitarian institution, which is focused on formation of the "dedicated moral conduct" in professional activities. We have developed the concept of modeling the educational process from the position of communicatory humanitarian approach which permits the use of integrative capabilities of humanitarian cycle disciplines. During the process of the concept formulation we lined up a conceptual framework and presented a substantial admission of scientific definitions. We have also revealed and sampled moral and cultural backbone invariant educational content, which is of professional necessity for a specialist, based on the principle of realization of intersubject communications for the following disciplines: "Russian language and standard of speech", "Rhetoric", "Professional ethics", "Fundamentals of text activity". The architectonic dialogue can be regarded as a pattern of polycode communication – polymodal, polydiscursive and polyphonic, since not only a teacher and students appear as the subject of the educational process, but the group as well, so it is a combined and collective subject. The auto communication place the discrete role in the declared approach as it is the most significant stage of formation of a person's moral conviction as a conscious self-esteem (self-respect) and reverence for the rights of other persons on the principles of parity (equality before the law – juridical and moral). Coaching- pedagogic forwarding of students- allows us to individualize the technology of the architectonic dialogue and to model a positive ego strategy: from ambivalence (duality of choice) to moral certainty as charismatic and conscious moral acts and behavior. In that way the concept of communicatory humanitarian approach in the process of modeling the educational process in a humanitarian institution, based on the application of the integrative capabilities disciplines of humanitarian and communicatory speech cycles, is focused on moral certainty forming which is based on understanding of personal responsibility for carriage of various professional decisions.
Введение Ценностным основаниям дух…
Ключевые слова
Гуманизация и гуманитаризация образования
коммуникативно-гуманитарный подход
педагогическое моделирование
архитектонический диалог
Humanization of education
communicatory humanitarian approach
pedagogic modeling
architectonic dialogue
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