Kurasov Sergei Vladimirovich
Kurasov S.V.
Kurasov Sergei Vladimirovich, Doctor of Arts, Professor, Rector, Stroganov Russian State University of Art and Industry.
In 1989 he entered the Moscow Higher School of Applied Arts and studied at the Department of Art Design of the Industrial Art Faculty; in 1995 graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State Art and Applied Arts Institute with a degree in design. His mentors were A.S. Kvasov, K.A. Kondratieva, A.A. Dubrovin.
In 2000 S.V. Kurasov defended his thesis for the degree of PhD in Art Criticism called "Transport design of the 20-30s: Socio-cultural and artistic-imaginative features of shaping". In 2004, he got the academic title of Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Design, and in 2008 became a Professor in the same Department.
S.V. Kurasov has more than 24 years of work experience and 15 years of pedagogical career. In 1995, Sergei Vladimirovich began his career as a lecturer, and then as a senior lecturer in the Design Department. In 2002, he established and headed new Environmental Design Department at the university. He devoted more than 10 years of his professional life to leadership: since 2006 he has been Vice-Rector for Additional Education, since 2007 worked as Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, from 2011 to the present he is the Rector of Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Design and Applied Arts. For many years Sergei Vladimirovich combined his leadership roles and pedagogical work with the positions of Academic Secretary of the Dissertation Council and Chairman of the Exhibition Committee of the university. From 2003 to 2007 he was the chairman of the State Attestation Commission of the Ulyanovsk State University, in 2004 he took the same position of the Krasnoyarsk Art Institute, and in Krasnodar University of Culture and Art in 2005.
As the head of "Primitive art of the peoples living in the cradles of civilizations" line of research at the Russian Geographical Society, S.V. Kurasov took part in many expeditions: to South America, to study the object environment of the ancient Mayan civilizations, the Inca Empire, and the biological world of the jungle and tributaries of the Amazon, Rio Negro, Orinoco, etc.; to Oceania, to collect the ethnographic material in the tribes of Papua New Guinea and other islands; to Africa, with the purpose of the archaeological search and anthropological research of ancient remains in volcanic deserts, and to study the origins of the creation of the form and decor of the dwellings of African tribes; to the countries of Southeast Asia, to study Chinese life and the wisdom of Tibetan philosophy, etc. As participant of the Neman research group, he made a research on the unexplained phenomena in places of anomalous activity of the planet.
The results of the expeditionary work of Sergei Vladimirovich affected his creative, scientific and pedagogical activities. Combined with the introduction of innovative educational technologies at the Department of Environmental Design, it expanded and enriched the scope of his project assignments. His art works were shown at personal exhibitions in Russia, Germany, Poland, France, etc., and were many times awarded in various competitions. S.V. Kurasov is a laureate of the "Victoria" – Russian national prize in design (2000); a diploma winner of the FIDexpo'2001 award (2001); a laureate of "Buyan-Ostrov", the VIII International Festival of Contemporary Art in Sochi (2004); a laureate of "Perspektiva", the International Competition of Design Projects; a laureate of "Young Palette of Russia" Exhibition (2008), etc.
S.V. Kurasov is the author and co-author of about 100 research and artistic works, including monographs on ethnographic design; the author of numerous publications in art history, design and ethnography; one of the authors of a manual on survival methods in extreme environments, and the video encyclopedia called "Unknown Planet" for the Foundation of Russian Geographical Society, etc.
Sergei Vladimirovich Kurasov is a member of the Union of Designers of Russia, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, a member of the Union of Artists of Moscow, a full member of the Russian Geographical Society, Vice-President of the Foundation for Ethnographic Research ("On the Edge of the Worlds") at the Russian Geographical Society, a member of the Interdepartmental Commisson for the Settlement of Disagreements Arising from Transfer of Religious Property to Religious Organizations. His wide range of interests includes small aviation, skiing, and instruction in diving.
The awards of S.V. Kurasov include the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation, diplomas, certificates, badges of honor "Rector of the Year 2012" and "Rector of the Year 2013", the title of Honorary Worker of the Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation" of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. He won a gold medal of Lev Nikolaev (2016) and a medal "In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow".
Main Research Papers:
- Kurasov S.V. (2012) Ikonologicheskii podkhod v prilozhenii k traditsionnomu iskusstvu Tibeta [Iconological approach in application to the traditional art of Tibet]. Dekorativnoe iskusstvo i predmetno-prostranstvennaya sreda. Vestnik MGKhPA [Decorative art and object-spatial environment. Bulletin of Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Design and Applied Arts], 1, 1, pp. 28-36.
- Kurasov S.V. (2012) Ikonologiya kak germenevtika sakral'nogo iskusstva [Iconology as hermeneutics of sacred art]. Iconological approach in application to the traditional art of Tibet]. Dekorativnoe iskusstvo i predmetno-prostranstvennaya sreda. Vestnik MGKhPA [Decorative art and object-spatial environment. Bulletin of Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Design and Applied Arts], 1, 2, pp. 11-22.
- Kurasov S.V. (2012) Kartina mira v tibetskom buddizme i ee otrazhenie v iskusstve [Worldview in Tibetan Buddhism and its reflection in art]. Dekorativnoe iskusstvo i predmetno-prostranstvennaya sreda. Vestnik MGKhPA [Decorative art and object-spatial environment. Bulletin of Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Design and Applied Arts], 2, 1, pp. 12-22.
- Kurasov S.V. (2012) Obrazy i simvoly tibetskogo buddizma: k ikonologii kul'tury [Images and symbols of Tibetan Buddhism: towards the iconology of culture]. Dekorativnoe iskusstvo i predmetno-prostranstvennaya sreda. Vestnik MGKhPA [Decorative art and object-spatial environment. Bulletin of Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Design and Applied Arts], 2, 2, pp. 13-25.
- Kurasov S.V. (2012) Tibetskaya zhivopis' v sisteme traditsionnogo iskusstva. Zhanry i shkoly tibetskoi zhivopisi [Tibetan painting in the system of traditional art. Genres and schools of Tibetan painting]. Dekorativnoe iskusstvo i predmetno-prostranstvennaya sreda. Vestnik MGKhPA [Decorative art and object-spatial environment. Bulletin of Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Design and Applied Arts], 3, pp. 3-15.
- Kurasov S.V. (2013) Iskusstvo Tibeta. Issledovatel'skii diskurs [Art of Tibet. Research discourse]. Izvestiya Ural'skogo federal'nogo universiteta. Seriya 2: Gumanitarnye nauki [Proceedings of the Ural Federal University. Series 2: Humanities], 111, 1, pp. 70-79.
- Kurasov S.V. (2013) Dekorativno-prikladnoe iskusstvo Tibeta: simvolika i struktura ritual'nykh ob"ektov [Decorative and applied art of Tibet: symbolism and structure of ritual objects]. Vestnik Chuvashskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. I.Ya. Yakovleva [Bulletin of the Chuvash State Pedagogical University], 1-1, pp. 104-111.
- Kurasov S.V. (2013) Skul'ptura Tibeta: plastika dukha [Sculpture of Tibet: the plasticity of the spirit]. Izvestiya Sochinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Proceedings of the Sochi State University], 1-2 (24), pp. 56-61.
- Kurasov S.V. (2013) Mandala kak spetsificheskii zhanr zhivopisi Tibeta [Mandala as a specific genre of painting in Tibet]. Teatr. Zhivopis'. Kino. Muzyka [Theatre. Painting. Cinema. Music], 2, pp. 91-100.
- Kurasov S.V. (2013) Panteon tibetskogo buddizma – otrazhenie slozhnosti chelovecheskoi psikhiki. (k probleme slozheniya ikonografii v iskusstve) [The pantheon of Tibetan Buddhism as a reflection of the complexity of the human psyche (to the problem of adding iconography in art)]. Dekorativnoe iskusstvo i predmetno-prostranstvennaya sreda. Vestnik MGKhPA [Decorative art and object-spatial environment. Bulletin of Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Design and Applied Arts], 4, pp. 3-8.
- Kurasov S.V. (2013) Kosmologicheskie simvoly v iskusstve Tibeta [Cosmological symbols in the art of Tibet]. Dekorativnoe iskusstvo i predmetno-prostranstvennaya sreda. Vestnik MGKhPA [Decorative art and object-spatial environment. Bulletin of Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Design and Applied Arts], 4, pp. 9-15.
- Kurasov S.V. (2013) Problemy izucheniya kanonicheskogo ritual'nogo deistviya na primere sozdaniya pesochnykh mandala [Problems of studying the canonical ritual action on the example of creating sand mandalas]. Dekorativnoe iskusstvo i predmetno-prostranstvennaya sreda. Vestnik MGKhPA [Decorative art and object-spatial environment. Bulletin of Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Design and Applied Arts], 4, pp. 16-22.
- Kurasov S.V. (2013) Buddizm makhayany i vadzhrayany kak kontseptual'naya osnova soderzhaniya tibetskogo iskusstva [Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism as a Conceptual Basis for the Content of Tibetan Art]. Perspektivy nauki [Perspectives of science], 11, pp. 50-53.
- Kurasov S.V. (2013) Tibetskaya zhivopis' v zhanre tanka: tekhnologiya izgotovleniya [Tibetan painting in the genre of Tanka: manufacturing technology]. Perspektivy nauki [Perspectives of science], 12, pp. 61-63.
- Kurasov S.V. (2013) Ikonografiya, tekhnologiya i simvolika metallicheskoi skul'ptury Tibeta [Iconography, technology and symbolism of metal sculpture in Tibet]. Global'nyi nauchnyi potentsial [Global scientific potential], 12, pp. 40-44.
- Kurasov S.V. (2013) Ritual'naya simvolika i struktura stupy kak pogranichnogo ob"ekta mezhdu arkhitekturoi i skul'pturoi [Ritual symbolism and structure of the stupa as a boundary object between architecture and sculpture]. Rossiiskii nauchnyi zhurnal [Russian scientific journal], 6, pp. 80-83.
- Kurasov S.V. (2017) Akademiya imeni S.G. Stroganova i tvorcheskoe obrazovatel'non prostranstvo XXI veka [Stroganov Academy and creative educational space of the 21st century]. In: Pervaya Vserossiiskaya nauchnaya konferentsiya: edinaya obrazovatel'naya sreda v sfere iskusstva i dizaina kak faktor formirovaniya i vospitaniya tvorcheskoi lichnosti [First All-Russian Scientific Conference: a unified educational environment in the field of art and design as a factor in the formation and education of a creative personality]. Moscow.
- Kurasov S.V., Koshaev V.B., Lavrent'ev A.N. (2018) Predislovie. Arkhetip i invarianty v kanonicheskom i proektno-khudozhestvennom tvorchestve [Preface. Archetype and invariants in canonical and project-artistic creativity]. In: XXVI Mezhdunarodnye Rozhdestvenskie obrazovatel'nye chteniya: "Nravstvennye tsennosti i budushchee chelovechestva" [XXVI International Christmas Educational Readings: Moral values and the future of mankind].
- Kurasov S.V., Zherdev E.V., Lavrent'ev A.N. (2019) Razmyshleniya o sovremennoi teoreticheskoi platforme dizaina. Opredeleniya dizaina. Problemy tekhniki i estetika, formy i funktsii [Reflections on the modern theoretical platform of design. Design definitions. Problems of technology and aesthetics, forms and functions]. Dekorativnoe iskusstvo i predmetno-prostranstvennaya sreda. Vestnik MGKhPA [Decorative art and object-spatial environment. Bulletin of Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Design and Applied Arts], 1, 2, pp. 10-26.
- Kurasov S.V., Koshaev V.B., Lavrent'ev A.N., Kvyatkovskii Ya. (2019) Prostranstvo, dvizhenie, svet v iskusstve khristianskogo mira. Izobrazitel'noe i monumental'no-dekorativnoe iskusstvo, arkhitektura i predmetno-prostranstvennaya sreda [Space, movement, light in the art of the Christian world. Fine and monumental-decorative art, architecture and object-spatial environment]. Moscow.
- Kurasov S.V. (2019) Obrazy novogo mira v khudozhestvennom i proektnom soznanii [Images of the new world in artistic and design consciousness]. In: Baukhauz i khudozhestvennye shkoly epokhi avangarda [Bauhaus and art schools of the avant-garde era]. Moscow.
- Kurasov S.V., Budak V.P., Shchepetkov N.I. (2019) Predislovie [Preface]. In: Prostranstvo, dvizhenie, svet v iskusstve khristianskogo mira. Izobrazitel'noe i monumental'no-dekorativnoe iskusstvo, arkhitektura i predmetno-prostranstvennaya sreda [Space, movement, light in the art of the Christian world. Fine and monumental-decorative art, architecture and object-spatial environment]. Moscow.
- Kurasov S.V., Lavrent'ev A.N., Kvyatkovskii Ya. (2020) "Vstrecha bozheskogo i chelovecheskogo". Prostranstvo i vremya i problemy kanona v iskusstve khristianskogo mira ["Meeting of the Divine and the Human". Space and time and problems of the canon in the art of the Christian world.]. In: Kanon. Problemy khudozhestvenno-vremennogo obraza istoricheski slozhivshikhsya tserkovnykh zdanii i khramovogo prostranstva [Canon. Problems of the Artistic and Temporal Image of Historically Established Church Buildings and Temple Space]. Moscow.
- Kurasov S.V., Zaeva-Burdonskaya E.A. (2019) Konstruktivizm v XXI veke i Stroganovskaya akademiya. Privetstvennoe slovo ot MGKhPA im. S.G. Stroganova dlya kataloga vystavki: "Avangard – teatr – moda" [Constructivism in the 21st century and the Stroganov Academy. Welcome speech from Stroganov Acamedy for the exhibition catalog (Avant-garde – theater – fashion)]. Moscow.
- Kurasov S.V. (2019) Nasledniki po pryamoi. Predislovie k katalogu vystavki. Aleksandr Rodchenko i ego krug. Konstruktivnyi mir. Mechty o prostranstve. Proekty i ob"ekty, zhivopis' i grafika, eksperimental'naya fotografiya, fotomontazh i fotoreportazh [Direct heirs. Preface to the exhibition catalogue. Alexander Rodchenko and his social circle. Constructive world. Dreams of space. Projects and objects, painting and graphics, experimental photography, photomontage and photo essay]. Moscow.
- Lisina E.A., Kurasov S.V. (2021) Vsemirnaya urbanizatsiya (planetary urbanization) v sovremennoi urbanisticheskoi diskussii [World Urbanization (Planetary Urbanization) in Modern Urban Discussion]. Dekorativnoe iskusstvo i predmetno-prostranstvennaya sreda. Vestnik MGKhPA [Decorative art and object-spatial environment. Bulletin of Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Design and Applied Arts], 1, 2, pp. 34-40.
- Lisina E.A., Kurasov S.V. (2021) Idei gradostroitel'stva Le Korbyuz'e v sovremennoi urbanisticheskoi diskussii [Le Corbusier's ideas of urban planning by in modern urban discussion]. Dekorativnoe iskusstvo i predmetno-prostranstvennaya sreda. Vestnik MGKhPA [Decorative art and object-spatial environment. Bulletin of Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Design and Applied Arts], 4, 1, pp. 43-49.
Main Art Works:
"Hot African Summer" (2007), "The Flavor of Almost Russian village. Africa" (2007, oil on canvas, 60x90), "The Island of No Return Anomaly" (2007, oil on canvas, 60x90), "Winter Sound of City Trees" (2006, oil on canvas, 80x60), "Messengers of Light" (1999, oil on canvas, 80x60), "Amazon Fashionista" (2003, oil on canvas, 48x70), "Former American POW Camp in the Tropical Paradise of Vietnam" (2000, oil on canvas, 60x80), "The Way to the Top" (canvas, acrylic, mixed media, 2010), "Snowy Pass" (canvas, acrylic, mixed media, 2010), "Winter Mountains Melody" (Canvas, acrylic, mixed media, 2010), "Another Reality" (canvas, acrylic, mixed technique, 2010), "Water of Life in the Sacred Lake" (canvas, acrylic, mixed media, 2010), etc.
Solo Exhibitions:
- Solo exhibition at Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Design and Applied Arts;
- "Mysticism and reality of Tibet" Solo Exhibition (Moscow, 2011);
- "Facing the..." Solo Exhibition (Moscow, 2017).
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