"ANALITIKA RODIS" provides comprehensive support to its customers in the following areas:
What can you expect to get by ordering our services?
First, the publication of your research papers (articles and monographs) and fiction works (novels, novellas, short stories, poems, etc.). You can get more details by clicking the appropriate links and reading full description and of course clarify any questions by writing or calling to the office.
Participation in scientific conferences – an integral part of life research scientist, public figure, a graduate student. On internal conferences may make useful acquaintances, listen to interesting people, make yourself to take part in the ensuing discussions. Correspondence conferences give an opportunity to quickly publish high-quality design in the proceedings of the conference. If necessary, upon request, you can get feedback on its report, submitted for publication.
What else? The reviewing – assistance in obtaining scientific reviews, reviews of abstracts and dissertations, monographs and books. It is important that the recommendation of your work is written by the person who, on the one hand, understands the topic of your research and gives tribute to the results of your work on the other hand. Also to your further success, the reviewer or opponent must be loyal to you / your theme, do not indulge in excessive criticism and, even opposing, in fact should focus on the most advantageous aspects of the work. And of course, a reviewer or opponent should be someone with a degree, even better and be known in the field of science. The link above will guide you to more details. Write and call us!
Next option – design and formatting – assistance in obtaining the widest possible properties of help in the course of your work. This means your papers will meet the requirements of any specific editions; design, technical and literary editing, proofreading and layout.
Translations – this service concerns not only scientific research (articles, monographs, abstracts, dissertation, etc.), but any works of fiction as well. The translation of scientific texts in our publishing house is performed not just by average translators – that is scientists, well-versed in the specifics of the subject and being able to present translated text preserving as much of the scientific uniqueness and completeness of the source, are the honor of our great team. Today many researchers face the necessity to translate their scientific article for publication in respectable international journals. The quality of translation in this case is crucial, so look for professionals to help, since an indifferent translation of scientific study can be very damaging to the author in the eyes of the international scientific community.
Please, read it. And if you have any questions about the details of possible partnership and cooperation you are always welcome to ask!
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