We are ready to offer our complete support in the publication of scientific papers, namely:
Learn more about specifics of publications of scientific and fiction works, and especially as concerns our services, namely:
Over the years we have accumulated valuable experience, established reputable relations, and gained precious skills in professional implementation of our clients' tasks.
Whether there is a need of publishing in a regular journal or a scientific journal or in a journal included in the list of Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, we will accompany you until the very successful result. That is the moment when our agent will hand you personally or send by mail the copies of your copyrights and printed issue.
You won't need to have any deals with the adjustment of your article content, formatting and its translation into another language in case of necessity. All this can be easily handled to our agents, providing your paper with all up-to-date publishing specifications for the content and layout of a scientific article.
Depending on your specialty and subject of the article, as well as the desired journal for publication, the cost of our services and the timing of publication may vary from two weeks to some months or more. Costs of services can be discussed with our manager, within 1-3 days after sending us your order details.
If you want to send us your article for further publication and you have already had an external review with a certified signature then you need to send it as an attachment too. For a start, along with the text of article, you can send a signed (without certification, but with an interpretation of signature: name and regalia) review in a scanned form. Please note: scan has to be of a rather descent quality. We can't accept documents with smudged imprints or indecipherable style.
If for some reason you have not got the possibility of getting a review, or obtaining it in a short time, here you can order a reviewer, candidate or doctor of science, specializing in the subject, which your article examination field is in, for writing a peer review due to your limits of time and required extent.
All our services (publication in journals, design, editing and translation of annotations, references and entire articles; reviews) apply both to the articles that you submit to us as already ready for printing, and to those items you'll write or edit using our scientific advice service.
Our managers are always ready to answer your e-mails or telephone calls providing any requested information.
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