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Authors' names in English are given in one of the approved international transliteration systems. Our publishing house uses transliteration pursuant to British Standards Institution (, Variants, BSI).
Let's see the following structural variant of a bibliographical ref in Russian and in English for articles from journals, collections and conferences:
The authors (transliteration), translation of the title into English, the title of the article in transliteration in square brackets, the name of the source (transliteration), imprint with marks in English.
Kochukova, E.V., Pavlova, O.V., Raftopulo, Yu.B. (2009), "The system of peer review in scientific information provision", Information Support of Science. New Technologies: Collected papers ["Sistema ekspertnykh otsenok v informatsionnom obespechenii uchenykh. Informatsionnoe obespechenie nauki", Novye tekhnologii: Sb. nauch. tr.], Nauchnyi Mir, Moscow, pp. 190-199.
At that while preparing the list of literary sources of the English-language part of the article our publishing house insists on using Harvard system of bibliographical references delivery. You can find the possible typography variants on or
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