Tokareva Galina Al'bertovna, Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Department of history and philosophy, Kamchatka State Technical University. Deputy Chief Editor of "Language. Philology. Culture" Journal.
Born in 1957. In 2005 she defended doctoral thesis "The myth in the literary system William Blake". Galina is a Full Doctor of Philology and Professor of Literature and Journalism Department inVitus Bering Kamchatka State University, the Head of Anglistics and intercultural communication laboratory. She is the editor of the annual collection of articles "Semantic space of the text". Galina is the author of more than 100 publications, including five monographs, three training adjuncts and electronic textbook. Her research interests are Russian and foreign literature, translation, pedagogics and methods of teaching literature. She published a collection of translations from William Blake (Moscow, 2004).
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