Sadokhin Aleksandr Petrovich
Sadokhin A.P.
Sadokhin Aleksandr Petrovich, Doctor of Cultural Studies, PhD in Philosophy, Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education, Chief Editor of "Culture and Civilization" Journal.
Education: St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Philosophy, Specialty in Philosophy.
Doctoral Thesis in Cultural Studies called "Intercultural competence: the essence and mechanisms of formation" (2009, Moscow, Russian Academy of state service under the President of the Russian Federation).
Research Interests: Culture, Cultural Studies, History of Culture, History of Cultural Studies.
One of the leading Russian experts in cultural studies, historical and cultural, political science and ethno-conflict studies.
A.P. Sadokhin is the author and co-author of more than 150 scientific papers, including more than 15 textbooks and manuals on the history of culture, cultural studies, intercultural communication, world artistic culture.
More than 20 years of experience in expert activity.
Participated in numerous culturological and historical-cultural research in many areas, including:
- Finding out the cultural, artistic, scientific, historical value of art objects, antiquities, weapons, objects of immovable heritage, etc.;
- Identifying the individual properties of objects of historical and cultural value (style, genre, time of creation, authenticity, etc.);
- Determining the signs of erotica and pornography in print media, cinematographic products, video materials, images, etc.;
- Determining the presence or absence of signs of an author's work (attribution of monuments of culture and history concerning their creative nature, originality);
- Finding out the similarity or identity of two opposed historical and cultural objects and works;
- Identifying the ideological content, artistic qualities and other components in works of fine art, literature, journalism and scientific publications used in the media and other types of communication;
- Solving other expert problems.
Main Research Papers:
- Chizhik A.V., Sadokhin A.P. (2020) Diskurs kinoteksta: diagnostika perevoda i vospriyatiya [Cinematic discourse: diagnostic interpretation and perception]. Kul'tura i tsivilizatsiya [Culture and Civilization], 10 (3A), pp. 112-121.
- Sadokhin A.P., Shabaev Yu.P., Denisenko V.N. (2019) Etnokul'turnye praktiki sovremennoi yazykovoi politiki v Rossii [Ethnocultural practices of the modern language policy in Russia]. Kul'tura i tsivilizatsiya [Culture and Civilization], 9 (6A), pp. 245-264. DOI: 10.34670/AR.2020.46.6.030
- Sadokhin A.P. (2014) Regional'nyi natsionalizm: ekspertnyi analiz ideologii etnicheskikh dvizhenii finnougorskikh narodov Rossii [Regional nationalism: expert analysis of the ideology of ethnic movements of the Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia]. Moscow: DirectMEDIA Publ.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2014) Strategicheskie vyzovy i lokal'nye modifikatsii v realizatsii gosudarstvennoi natsional'noi politiki Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Strategic challenges and local modifications in the implementation of the state national policy of the Russian Federation]. Vestnik rossiiskoi natsii [Bulletin of the Russian nation], 6.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2014) Mirovaya khudozhestvennaya kul'tura [World art culture]. Moscow: DirectMEDIA Publ.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2014) Kul'turologiya. Slovar' terminov, ponyatii, imen [Culturology. Dictionary of terms, concepts, names]. Moscow: DirectMEDIA Publ.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2014) Ideologiya i praktika regional'nogo natsionalizma v sovremennoi Rossii [Ideology and practice of regional nationalism in modern Russia]. Saarbrücken: Palmarium Academic Publishing.
Papers available in SSRN:
- Sadokhin A.P. (ed.) (2014) Slovar'-spravochnik: Ural'skaya yazykovaya sem'ya: narody, regiony, strany. Etnopoliticheskii spravochnik [Dictionary / reference book: Ural language family: peoples, regions, countries. Ethnopolitical handbook]. Moscow: DirectMEDIA Publ.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2013) Diskurs etnicheskoi i grazhdanskoi identichnosti. Finno-ugorskii mir Rossii v materialakh perepisi 2010 g. [Discourse of ethnic and civic identity. Finno-Ugric world of Russia in the materials of the 2010 census]. Politicheskie issledovaniya [Political studies], 3, p. 113.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2013) Yazykovaya politika ili lingvisticheskii natsionalizm? [Language policy or linguistic nationalism?]. Vestnik rossiiskoi natsii [Bulletin of the Russian nation], 6 (32), p. 21.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2013) Kul'tura v usloviyakh globalizatsii [Culture in the context of globalization]. Vestnik moskovskoi gosudarstvennoi akademii delovogo administrirovaniya. Seriya "Filosofskie, sotsial'nye i estestvennye nauki" [Bulletin of the Moscow State Academy of Business Administration. Series: Philosophical, social and natural sciences], 1 (19), p. 58.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2012) Novye etnopoliticheskie konstrukty v regional'noi praktike sovremennoi Rossii [New ethnopolitical constructs in the regional practice of modern Russia]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 19. Lingvistika i mezhkul'turnaya kommunikatsiya [Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 19. Linguistics and intercultural communication], 4, p. 62.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2012) Metodologicheskie konteksty kul'turologicheskoi ekspertizy [Methodological contexts of cultural expertise]. Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba. Nauchno-politicheskii zhurnal [Public service. Scientific and political journal], 4, p. 51.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2012) Etnopoliticheskie transformatsii v regional'noi praktike sovremennoi Rossii [Ethnopolitical transformations in the regional practice of modern Russia]. Vestnik Rossiiskoi natsii [Bulletin of the Russian nation], 2-3, p. 122.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2012) Teoretiko-metodologicheskie resursy kul'turologicheskoi ekspertizy [Theoretical and methodological resources of cultural expertise]. Kul'turologicheskii zhurnal [Culturological journal], 3 (9).
- Sadokhin A.P. (2012) Regionalizm i etnichnost' v prostranstve publichnoi politiki: ideologii i politicheskie praktiki [Regionalism and ethnicity in the space of public policy: ideologies and political practices]. Politicheskaya ekspertiza [Political expertise], 8, 2, p. 126.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2012) Kul'turnye granitsy i etnicheskie markery v etnokul'turnom prostranstve sovremennoi Rossii [Cultural boundaries and ethnic markers in the ethno-cultural space of modern Russia]. Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost' [Social sciences and modernity], 6, p. 166.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2011) Programma grazhdanskoi integratsii: formirovanie grazhdanskogo obshchestva v polietnicheskoi Rossii [Civil Integration Program: Formation of Civil Society in Multiethnic Russia]. Vestnik rossiiskoi natsii [Bulletin of the Russian nation], 3, p. 13.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2011) Etnicheskoe raznoobrazie i grazhdanskoe edinstvo [Ethnic diversity and civil unity]. Svobodnaya mysl' [Free thought], 9 (1627), p. 71.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2011) Kul'turologicheskaya ekspertiza: teoretiko-metodologicheskie osnovy issledovaniya [Culturological expertise: theoretical and methodological foundations of research]. Voprosy kul'turologii [Questions of cultural studies], 1, p. 94.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2010) "Finno-ugorskii mir": mif, makroidentichnost', politicheskii proekt? [Finno-Ugric world: myth, macro-identity, political project?]. Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost' [Social sciences and modernity], 1, p. 147.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2009) Etnonatsional'nye dvizheniya v novoi sotsiokul'turnoi real'nosti [Ethno-national movements in the new socio-cultural reality]. SOTsIS [Sociological Research], 10.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2008) Mezhkul'turnaya kompetentsiya i kompetentnost' v sovremennoi kommunikatsii: Opyt sistemnogo analiza [Intercultural competence and competence in modern communication: The experience of system analysis]. Obshchestvennye nauki i so-vremennost' [Social sciences and modernity], 3.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2008) Kompetentnost' i kompetentnostnyi podkhod v dialoge kul'tur [Competence and competence-based approach in the dialogue of cultures]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsial'noi antropologii [Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 2.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2008) Dialog kul'tur: obshchenie ili kommunikatsiya? [Dialogue of cultures: communication or communication?]. Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba. Nauchno-politicheskii zhurnal [Public service. Scientific and political journal], 4 (54).
- Sadokhin A.P. (2008) Mezhkul'turnaya kompetentnost' kak sotsiokul'turnyi fenomen [Intercultural competence as a sociocultural phenomenon]. Kaluga: Eidos Publ.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2008) "Finno-ugorskii mir": ideologiya i real'nost' [Finno-Ugric world: ideology and reality]. Svobodnaya mysl' [Free thought], 12 (1595).
- Sadokhin A.P. (2007) Metod treninga v formirovanii mezhkul'turnoi kompetentnosti [Training method in the formation of intercultural competence]. Observatoriya kul'tury: Zhurnal – obozrenie [Observatory of Culture: Review Journal], 3.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2007) Mezhkul'turnaya kompetentnost': ponyatie, struktura, puti formirovaniya [Intercultural competence: concept, structure, ways of formation]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsial'noi antropologii [Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 1.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2007) Kompetentnost' ili kompetentsiya v mezhkul'turnoi kommunikatsii [Competence or competence in intercultural communication]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 19: Lingvistika i mezhkul'turnaya kommunikatsiya [Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 19: Linguistics and Intercultural Communication], 3.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2007) "Svoi – chuzhoi" v mezhkul'turnoi kommunikatsii ["Friend or foe" in intercultural communication]. Voprosy kul'turologii [Matters of cultural studies], 3.
Educational and Methodical Works:
- Astaf'eva O.N., Sadokhin A.P., Saiko E.A. (2009) Kul'turologiya [Culturology]. Moscow.
- Astaf'eva O.N., Sadokhin A.P., Saiko E.A. (2009) Administrativnaya etika [Administrative ethics]. Moscow.
- Sadokhin A.P., Grushevitskaya T.G. (2010) Istoriya mirovoi kul'tury [History of world culture]. Moscow: YuNITI-DANA Publ.
- Sadokhin A.P, Tolstikova I.I. (2011) Kul'turologiya [Culturology]. Moscow: YuNITI-DANA Publ.
- Astaf'eva O.N., Grushevitskaya T.G., Sadokhin A.P. (2012) Kul'turologiya. Teoriya kul'tury [Culturology. Theory of culture]. Moscow: YuNITI-DANA Publ.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2012) Mirovaya kul'tura i iskusstvo [World culture and art]. Moscow: YuNITI-DANA Publ.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2012) Kul'turologiya [Culturology]. Moscow: KNORUS Publ.
- Sadokhin A.P. (2015) Istoriya mirovoi kul'tury [History of world culture]. Moscow.
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