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No. | Авторы / Authors | Страна / Country | Название статьи / Article title | Данные / Data | Файлы / Files |
Журнал «Вопросы российского и международного права» ► / Journal "Matters of Russian and International Law" ► | |||||
№1 | Lavinski K. | USA | Non-governmental organizations in Russia: legal aspects | Article 1 | 1-lavinski.pdf |
Rabinovich M. | USA | Generally Recognized Norms and Principles of International Law: The Greatest Threat to the Traditional Russian Family | Article 2 | 4-rabinovich.pdf | |
№2 | Anisimov A.P., Ryzhenkov A.Ya. | Russia | Modernization of Russian environmental legislation within the context of the experience of the People's Republic of China | Article 3 | 8-anisimov-ryzhenkov.pdf |
Bam J. | USA | Strategic sector legislation in Russia: critique and proposal for change | Article 4 | 2-bam-joshua.pdf | |
Gripich S.A. | Russia | Co-relation of corporeal and exclusive rights of state and municipal enterprises and institutions: theoretical aspects | Article 5 | 3-gripich.pdf | |
Rusakova E.P. | Russia | Environmental disputes resolution by the conciliation of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) | Article 6 | 6-rusakova.pdf | |
Weidinger M. | USA | Race for the Arctic: Russia's Greatest Journey in our Time | Article 7 | 10-weidinger-matthew.pdf | |
Yudin V.Yu. | Russia | Environmental legislation of the Russian Federation and the EU | Article 8 | 5-yudin.pdf | |
№3 | Gottschalk P. | Norway | Victims of White-Collar Crime | Article 9 | 5-gottschalk.pdf |
Stitilis D., Klisauskas V. | Lithuania | Criminalization of dangerous acts in cyberspace in criminal codes of Lithuania and Russia: comparative aspects | Article 10 | 7-stitilis.pdf | |
№4 | Boshno S.V. | Russia | The system of laws and regulations: current state and development needs (based on the sociological and legal research) | Article 11 | 9-boshno.pdf |
Gottschalk P. | Norway | White-Collar Crime Defense Strategies | Article 12 | 2-gottschalk.pdf | |
Krikščiūnas R., Matulienė S. | Lithuania | The conception of corruption and its forms in public administration of Lithuania | Article 13 | 3-kriksciunas.pdf | |
Krikščiūnas R., Matulienė S. | Lithuania | Evolution and legal regulation of financial control in state institutions of Lithuania under context of EU | Article 14 | 7-matuliene.pdf | |
№5′ | Lazarev K.S. | Russia | Russian Constitution and international treaties | Article 15 | 3-lazarev.pdf |
Matulienė S., Krikščiūnas R. | Lithuania | Regulation of trafficking in human beings in international documents and documents of the Republic of Lithuania: comparative analysis | Article 16 | 4-matuliene-snieguole.pdf | |
№7′ | Isaenkova O.V. | Russia | The development of mediation in Russia: Problems and Prospects | Article 17 | 1-isaenkova.pdf |
Kuderskaya N.I. | Ukraine | Forming of conceptual framework in the field of legal regulation of cultural heritage protection | Article 18 | 2-kuderskaya.pdf | |
Plieva A.S. | Russia | Features of the prosecutor's supervision over the execution of the laws on federal security, international relations and combating extremism | Article 19 | 4-plieva.pdf | |
Stitilis D., Klisauskas V. | Lithuania | Peculiarities of the legal regulation of cybersecurity in the National Laws of Lithuania, Russia and the USA: cybersecurity strategies | Article 20 | 5-stitilis-darius.pdf | |
Synkova E.M. | Ukraine | Regulation of requirements for disclosure of information by corporations in EU legislation | Article 21 | 6-synkova.pdf | |
№9′ | Zylstra A. | USA | Piracy or Hooliganism: detention of the Arctic Sunrise | Article 22 | 1-ashton-zylstra.pdf |
Samuel Jason D. | USA | A forgotten instrument: the 1887 U.S. Russia Extradition Treaty | Article 23 | 5-samuel-jason.pdf | |
Журнал «“Белые пятна” российской и мировой истории» ► / Journal "“White Spots” of the Russian and World History" ► | |||||
№3′ | Kurguzov V.L. | Russia | Historical memory and oblivion in the cultural space as a representation of the past in the present | Article 1 | 2-kurguzov.pdf |
Rybalko S.B. | Ukraine | Japanese suit of the second half of the XIXth – the first third of the XXth century: war iconography | Article 2 | 4-rybalko.pdf | |
Shemyakina M.K. | Russia | The concept "rebirth" as a mechanism of change of Russia's general culture development | Article 3 | 5-shemyakina.pdf | |
№5′ | Balantsev A.V., Slezin A.A. | Russia | Komsomol (the Communist Union of Youth) of the first half of 1920s in the struggle against religious influence among western colonists | Article 4 | 2-balantsev-slezin.pdf |
Koval'skaya M.S. | Ukraine | "Walpole" by John Morley: the formation of the Whig policy from the perspective of British classical liberals | Article 5 | 4-kovalskaya.pdf | |
Vasil'eva E.B. | Russia | Decembrist movement: between myth and history (some features of Decembrist studies at the second half of the XIXth century – the beginning of the XXth century) | Article 6 | 5-vasileva.pdf | |
Журнал «Контекст и рефлексия: философия о мире и человеке» ► / Journal "Context and Reflection: Philosophy of the World and Human Being" ► | |||||
№3′ | Nugaev R.M. | Russia | The formation of modern science: intertheoretical context | Article 1 | 1-nugaev.pdf |
Serdechnaya V.V. | Russia | The doctrine of the knowledge in English tradition | Article 2 | 2-serdechnaya.pdf | |
Vlasov S.A. | Russia | Axiology of modern Russian education system | Article 3 | 3-vlasov.pdf | |
Vlasova V.M. | Russia | The role of the democratic state in universalization of rights and freedoms of citizens | Article 4 | 4-vlasova.pdf | |
№5′ | Misetskii E.V. | Russia | The influence of Egyptian religion and culture on the Old Testament | Article 5 | 1-misetskii.pdf |
Volkov V.N. | Russia | Nikolai Fedorov – founder of the Russian cosmism | Article 6 | 2-volkov.pdf | |
Журнал «Экономика: вчера, сегодня, завтра» ► / Journal "Economics: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" ► | |||||
№5′ | Prozorova A.S., Martynova T.A. | Russia | The difference in the understanding of the characteristics of information between IFRS and RAS as a problem of strategic analysis information support | Article 1 | 7-prozorova.pdf |
№7′ | Akulich O.V. | Russia | Directions of technical and technological renovation of the fisheries sector of Magadan region | Article 2 | 1-akulich.pdf |
Bazirova M.R. | Russia | Modern theories of international trade and international market entry strategy: evidence from mechanical engineering | Article 3 | 2-bazirova.pdf | |
Bogdanov D.D. | Russia | The development of competition in the electricity market | Article 4 | 3-bogdanov.pdf | |
Ryabov I.V. | Russia | Institutional factors of economic development in the steel industry in the Russian Federation | Article 5 | 5-ryabov.pdf | |
Smirnova O.O. | Russia | Opportunities and limitations of regulation of concerted actions of Russian Federation market participants | Article 6 | 6-smirnova.pdf | |
№9′ | Zinyuhina E.V. | Russia | Benefits of restaurant automation | Article 7 | 5-zinyuhina.pdf |
Журнал «Психология. Историко-критические обзоры и современные исследования» ► / Journal "Psychology. Historical-critical Reviews and Current Researches" ► | |||||
№3′ | Semenov I.N. | Russia | Milestones and logic of formation of reflexive psychology at the turn of XX-XXI centuries | Article 1 | 3-semenov.pdf |
Журнал «Язык. Словесность. Культура» ► / Journal "Language. Philology. Culture" ► | |||||
№1 | Bentley G.E., Jr | Canada | Blake's Loose Canons | Article 1 | 2-bentley.pdf |
Gustafsson D. | England | Blake & Orthodoxy | Article 2 | 5-gustafsson.pdf | |
№2′ | Junker C. | Germany | Writing Anti-Slavery: Abolition as Boundary Object in Transatlantic Enlightenment | Article 3 | 2-junker.pdf |
Tlostanova M.V. | Russia | Transcultural tricksters beyond times and spaces: decolonial chronotopes and border selves | Article 4 | 1-tlostanova.pdf | |
Vashchenko A.V., Wiget A. | Russia, USA | On the boundaries of cultures: a dialogue on indigenous literatures | Article 5 | 3-wiget.pdf | |
№6 | Surkhaeva Z.Sh. | Russia | Language realities and the national picture of the world in the works of Charles Dickens | Article 6 | 10-surkhaeva.pdf |
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